German MEP Christine Anderson: Turn off your freaking television set

1 day ago

"Well, number one, I would say turn off your freaking television set. Your TV is lying to you and it is dumbing you down point blank. And just just turn it off and you know, you will feel so much better not, you know, being told that garbage over and over again and you know, having to listen to these stupid lie lines. They're being, you know, fed from whoever. So, yeah, just turn that off. So next thing you should do, talk to the people around you. When you're grocery shopping, you at the cash checkout line, just find a topic, speak to the people and just raise a question. I don't wanna overwhelm them because you don't know where they're at at this moment. So just ask, raise a question, but let them think about it for themselves. But race issues speak up and for God's sakes don't comply anymore. Just don't comply. So I mean, because I mean, this pandemic, it didn't end if we had all just complied. It didn't end because we complied. You know, that's the issue here. Always question everything your government is doing. And don't let them get away with trying to gaslight you into telling you, well, it's just for your health. No, it's not."

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