Analytical Philosophy Pt 2

21 hours ago

00:00:00 John Locke, David Hume, Thomas Hobbes as early analytic philosophers.
00:01:15 Hegel as positing an improved, dialectical form of rationality
00:05:30 Pierce as an analyst of the 19th century, and the founder of pragmatism - a major school of analytical philosophy.
00:06:30 Hegel considering his philosophy as the perfection of philosophy and as an advanced presentation of Christianity.
00:08:00 Ultimate Spirit and monism
00:10:00 Russel's renunciation of Hegelianism
00:11:10 Moore's rejection of idealism as the internal relation of objects, analysis as the external relations of objects.
00:14:00 Frege as the precursor of Analytical philosophy.
00:15:00 Frege's revolutionary logic, language and the logic of our signs.
00:16:00 Aristotle and declarative sentences
00:17:39 Frege's predicate logic as progress from Aristotle, relational sentences.
00:19:00 Analytical philosophy as defining philosophical problems as primarily linguistic problems. The pursuit of a perfect, logical language as dissolving philosophical problems.
00:23:47 Frege's definition of concepts as real but non-physical. Logicism and the Incompleteness Theorem of Gödel.

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