The penalty for treason is death

7 hours ago

Since the beginning of the scamdemic and officialized by the persecution carried out on January 6th against the then SITTING President of the USA censorship has take over our lives and it is gaining power every day

I personally am permanently banned from facebook & tiktok. Maybe it's God who is protecting me once many humans are being arrested for crimes of opinion but on Twitter/X there was some freedom of expression ...

... since Elon bought it. But thinks are changing now.

After hearing/seeing reports of several other people being unfairly censored, today my day arrived. They claim that I violated their rules regarding "violent speech". That's a lie to silence speeches about reality

I said that "Mark Milley is a traitor and as such will be tried and probably sentenced to hang" and nothing in this sentence is wrong or unreal but, on the contrary, my words are in accordance with the law and reality

According to chapter 115 §2381 of the American constitution* "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States [this is the case once Milley performed the function of chair of the joint chiefs of staff], levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid [which is what he did by providing confidential information about the American weapons system in absentia and without the knowledge of his then superior, the President of the USA as he publicly acknowledges what he did in video/written testimony] and comfort [he comforted an enemy by ensuring that he would not be attacked] within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death"

Of course this must be done by a martial court as I mention in my tweet. The media is talking about this:

This started when Donald Trump said that Mark Milley committed "an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!" and Trump end this statement by saying "to be continued!!!"


The reason of this is that if Trump returns to the WH he will give orders for this matter to be analyzed and the evidence is too great for the case to be archived and, therefore, Milley will be tried by a martial court

Once he goes to trial there are only 2 possible ends: he is declared innocent (which is what everyone who watches television thinks) or guilty (I don't even have a tv) and, in this case, he gonna be sentenced to death

So what is wrong with my post? Does the American Constitutions offend feelings? Who writes the rules on X prefers the electric chair? Twitter/X claims it wants the truth but it looks like can't handle the truth


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