FORSAKE THE WORLD: The Triumph of Evil & The Wicked Is Short-Lived

2 months ago

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👹 Like Herod the mind can be Charmed by evil in the eyes of the world. This
Lawless Wicked Man was Victorious over God's righteous saint but in reality his evil only led, of course, to an eternal state of damnation. And similarly we mustn't be fooled by the the outward appearance of the events of the world. We mustn't be disheartened by what seem to be short-lived victories that he evil seems to have over good in our world.

God will always have the final word. God's will will be done. We must have no fear and we can apply this not only to individuals and our personal experience but to the Grand scale of politics and conflict and Wars those who seem powerful who seem to claim victory at times they will answer to God to God's judgment the Holiness we see in St John really is a fruit the fruit of a life lived for God.

❖[Job 20:4-22]❖
“Don't you realize that from the beginning of time, Ever since people were first placed on the earth, The triumph of the wicked has been short lived and the joy of the godless has been only temporary? Though the pride of the godless reaches to the heavens And their heads touch the clouds, Yet they will vanish forever. . . Those who knew them will ask, 'Where are they?'. . . They enjoyed the sweet taste of wickedness, Letting it melt under their tongue. . . But suddenly the food in their bellies turns sour, A poisonous venom in their stomach. . . They will give back everything they worked for. Their wealth will bring them no joy. For they oppressed the poor and left them destitute. They foreclosed on their homes. They were always greedy and never satisfied.
Nothing remains of all the things they dreamed about. . . In the midst of plenty, they will run into trouble And be overcome by misery. ”

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