CND Chair Tom Unterrainer: US Nukes Coming Back To UK With NO OVERSIGHT! Rally at Lakenheath 02Nov24

3 months ago

Join the demonstration: don’t put Britain on the nuclear front line!

Join CND on November 2nd for a national demonstration against US nukes returning to Lakenheath.

CND condemns the return of US nuclear weapons to Britain: get involved with our campaign to stop this extremely dangerous and destabilising development!

Since April 2022, there has been growing evidence that the US intends to use RAF Lakenheath as a major part of NATO’s nuclear weapons infrastructure in Europe. US budget documents show that the base’s weapons storage silos are being upgraded to store the new B61-12 guided nuclear bomb, and new dormitory buildings are being built to house additional military personnel needed for any potential nuclear weapons mission. Washington also intends to double the amount of nuclear-capable F-35 aircraft it has stationed at Lakenheath to 54, as part of efforts to increase its military presence in Europe.

CND supporters have repeatedly protested at RAF Lakenheath and across the country since we first heard the news, with recent actions including a peace camp and a day of action. We are also legally challenging development works at the base.

US nuclear weapons coming to Britain make us all a target in any nuclear war. This is a national issue – we want everyone to understand what a nuclear attack would mean for them.

The UK government can stop this from happening. If we show enough public resistance we can press them to reject these plans and prevent these terrible weapons from making us a target.

US nuclear weapons coming to Britain make us all a target in any nuclear war. This is a national problem not a regional one – we want everyone to understand what a nuclear attack would mean for them.

Actions you can take to get involved with the campaign:
Write to the UK government to demand: don’t put Britain on the nuclear front line
Collect signatures for these postcards for CND to hand in at 10 Downing Street
Order materials such as leaflets and petitions to raise awareness
Download a poster for display on a stall or in your window 
Save the dates for the next peace camp at the base – organised by the Lakenheath Alliance for Peace – April 14th-25th 2025.

110 nuclear bombs were stored at the airbase but they were removed in 2008 following persistent popular protest. Without public opposition, led by CND, they would still be here today. We stopped these weapons before – will you help us stop them again?

For more details please see CND’s briefing on the subject (below)

RAF Lakenheath: US nuclear weapons return to Britain

CND opposes any return of United States nuclear weapons to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. 110 nuclear bombs were stored at the airbase until they were removed in 2008 following persistent popular protest, and they must not be allowed back.

Weapons return

Evidence is mounting that the US is preparing to site some of its nuclear weapons in the UK, specifically at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. This originated when the US Department of Defense added the UK to a list of NATO nuclear weapons storage locations in Europe being upgraded under a multimillion-dollar infrastructure programme.

Fresh budget documents dated March 2023 back up the suspicion that Washington is in the process of re-establishing its nuclear weapons presence in Britain. Published as part of the US Air Force (USAF) 2024 budgetary justification package, the papers outline the need for a ‘surety dormitory’. Surety is a term used by US government departments to refer to the capability to keep nuclear weapons secure.

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