Train Spotting

4 months ago

[Fade in to a desolate, overgrown trainyard. Rusted train cars and debris litter the scene.]

Narrator: The world has fallen into chaos. Roaming bands of scavengers fight for survival in the ruins of civilization. One such scavenger is marmite, a hardened survivor searching the treacherous trainyard for vital supplies.

[Camera pans across the trainyard as marmite cautiously enters the frame, weapon drawn.]

Narrator: Ammunition and weapons are scarce, but the trainyard promises a bounty for the brave - or the foolish. Heavily armed robots patrol the area, their sensors primed to detect any intruders.

[Marmite ducks behind a train car as the ominous whir of a robot's servos is heard in the distance.]

Narrator: marmite must navigate this perilous landscape, avoiding detection and securing what they need to continue the fight. Lives hang in the balance as they venture deeper into the trainyard.

[Marmite peers out from cover, eyes narrowed in determination.]

Narrator: Can marmite emerge victorious, or will the trainyard claim another victim? The future is unwritten.

[Fade to black.]


Marmite Survives | Playing the [ SCUM ~ DAYZ ~ DEADSIDE ~ DESTINY2 ~ STARFIELD ] Survival Games and Dying a Lot. Learning a Lot. Swearing a Lot.

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If you are watching Mr Marmites nonsensical video content, then you already know this is all about me wandering around, muttering and waffling while playing Survival Games. Do not watch if you are triggered by a mumbling Englishman living abroad, muttering, swearing and waffling about life in general and zombies specifically. Simply trying to survive... and have a laugh along the way... Come and enjoy exploring this huge world with me. Please leave a comment or come and join Team Marmite on Discord at

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