5g Towers SPREAD COVID19 Nano Dust Poison to kill people

4 months ago

This video explains 5g Towers Covid19 spread, especially affecting vaccinated people by 30% increase infection.
Listen to this video 3x. The technician explains the 'Brain' that reads the 2 Tanks with a Mixture of Chemical Liquid poured into either. It is clearly a poison dosing amount, sounds like Chemtrail at Ground Level. Then he says it's dispersed through the output on to those below. This is a psychopath satanic cult poisoning program that needs urgent disarming-disabling-dismantling. How many of these Towers are in Close proximate of each other like a Haarp Grid? These pentagon nazi stealth warfare weapons must go! Then 5g street lights on the ground. Then the Smart Meters on your house powerboats. ITS A COMBINED EFFORT OF WEAPONS TO CAUSE DANGEROUS HARM!
1. 5g Towers military grade weapons structures.
2. 5g Street lights led poisoning weapons
3. 5g Smart Meters weapons attached to house powerboats.
4. 5g Mobile phones & SMART appliances weapons can be controlled through power sockets to Smart Meters.
5. LED lights poisons, inside houses, that replaced domestic lighting 2016.

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