A Complete Unknown (Bob Dylan Biopic) -Official Trailer - (2024) #bobdylan #music #timotheechalamet

4 months ago

#ACompleteUnknown #BobDylan #Biopic #OfficialTrailer #2024 #TimotheeChalamet #Music #Musician #Singer #Songwriter #FolkMusic #Counterculture #ProtestSongs #AmericanMusic #MusicHistory #MusicLegend #MusicIcon #Movie #Film #Trailer #Teaser #Release #Upcoming #MustWatch #MovieFan #MusicFan #BiopicFan #TimotheeChalametFan #BobDylanFan #MovieNews #MovieUpdates #Entertainment #News #Trending #Viral #SocialMedia #Share #Like #Comment #Follow

New York, early 1960s. Against the backdrop of a vibrant music scene and tumultuous cultural upheaval, an enigmatic 19-year-old from Minnesota arrives in the West Village with his guitar and revolutionary talent, destined to change the course of American music.

As he forms his most intimate relationships during his rise to fame, he grows restless with the folk movement and, refusing to be defined, makes a controversial choice that culturally reverberates worldwide. Timothée Chalamet stars and sings as Bob Dylan in James Mangold's A COMPLETE UNKNOWN, the electric true story behind the rise of one of the most iconic singer-songwriters in history.

Director - James Mangold
Producer - Fred Berger, Bob Bookman, Timothée Chalamet, Alan Gasmer, Alex Heineman, Peter Jaysen, James Mangold, Jeff Rosen
Screenwriter - James Mangold, Jay Cocks
Distributor - Searchlight Pictures
Production Co - Searchlight Pictures, The Picture Company, Veritas Entertainment Group, Turnpike Films, Automatik Entertainment

Credit: Searchlight Pictures, The Picture Company, Veritas Entertainment Group, Turnpike Films, Automatik Entertainment

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