Russian 'New-Gen Thermonuclear Fist' is Preparing a Surprise for PENTAGON at the end of February

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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Like a bolt from the blue, information appeared that Russia had begun preparations for strategic exercises with the latest 5th-generation intercontinental ballistic missile Sarmat, the latest missile system Yars, and even the nuclear cruise missile Burevestnik. According to incoming information, since February 15, Russia has closed all areas adjacent to the Kura training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula for new tests and strategic exercises. In early February, the US strategic forces carried out another test of their rather old and, to date, the only land-based intercontinental ballistic missile, the Minuteman-3. The Pentagon called these launches routine and training, although, in the current situation, any such test launches contain a certain message to its geopolitical rivals. The Americans have quite a few such enemies on the world stage, but here it is extremely clear to whom these training launches of a Minuteman-3 are specifically addressed.

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