TGW: X-Men Legends II Rise Of Apocalypse The Cercei Tunnels

14 hours ago

A Walk-through of X-Men Legends 2 in this episode The X-Men and Brotherhood enter the Cercei Tunnels, the new team Scarlet Witch, Sun-fire, and Colossus come across a nest of the species and decide that they need to destroy the nests or else these insects will infest the tunnels, the team then come across a couple minions who serve a Mutant named "Zealot" the team fight off the Mutants and eventually find the man himself, Zealot. Zealot explains that he's working with Apocalypse to overthrow Magneto, since he claims Magneto only cares about himself and that Magneto is leading Genoshans to their Destruction, The team defend Magneto saying that Magneto actually cares about the Genoshans and wants them to Prosper, the team say Zealot is not the right leader for Genoshans, This angers Zealot and so he threatens to fight the team and now the fight begins, after a couple damage, they successfully Defeat Zealot, a secret entrance to tunnels open up revealing a giant labratory, Tune in for part 4 to find out what happens Next ;)

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