JR Sweet Mormon Monarch; Disney Programs & Breaking the Spell of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Mind Control

4 hours ago

JR Sweet was born into a generationally incestuous Satanic family bloodline, hidden in the Mormon Church and connected to the CIA and the Pentagon. He has been remembering his true history since 2017 and has been doing tremendous work of exposing the extent of mind control operations that continue to this day, through interviews, his website which JR describes as his Living Journal, and his soon to be published first book

JR shares his experiences of Disney being used as a purpose built mind control programming centre


JR found that there were many Satanists hiding in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, serving what they consider to be, the Left-Hand Path of God;

JR writes about vast trauma based mind control programs, that exist around the world on his website, & I wanted to share some of this, as its a brilliant summary of what we are going to talk about today, He writes of those that:
-'run this world; the one percent who have consolidated their wealth over several generations also force their own children to endure Trauma Based Mind Control programming: i.e., Monarch Programming. Many of the elite in this world are Satanists and/or Luciferians and believe that by splitting their own children’s minds through trauma they are making them stronger, more versatile, and more useful in the world of commoners; what does not kill you only makes you stronger, as my mother used to say. Many of these generationally incestual Satanic families have accumulated a mass amount of wealth and power through a system of networking, corruption, and murder over the centuries and have taken control of our government, our economy, our churches, our schools and institutions, our media outlets, and for some of U.S. our very lives and minds

JR describes his website as 'a Living Journal, as it will evolve over time as I recall and continue to write out my past.'
Find his website here

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