(2015) The Clinton's Arkansas "Handler" Larry Nichols talks about Hillary's Witch Church in L.A.

2 days ago

Ex-Green Beret Larry Nichols was hired by a wealthy Arkansas Oilman & investment banker Jackson Thomas Stephens Sr (August 9, 1923 – July 23, 2005) to make a young Bill Clinton the next Arkansas Governor back in the mid 1970's and be his HANDLER to take care of scandals etc.... and Larry finally broke away from the Clintons around 1988 when he realized the EVIL he was in the middle of and spent the rest of his life exposing the Clintons up until his death in 2020. Larry was a Washington DC insider where he knew everything that was going on much like Roger Stone and his connections and was a regular on the Alex Jones show and had his own YT show as well. He helped with the 1992 documentary the CLINTON CHRONICLES. After Larry died in 2020 I noticed all the YT videos he posted on Twitter as evidence, mysteriously all got DELETED afterwards.

Larry was the one who first exposed the fact that Chelsea Clinton was NOT the biological child of Bill Clinton but of Hillary Clintons law firm partner Webster Hubbell.

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