review, harry potter, 2002, chamber of secrets,_0

3 months ago

jenny chamber that all her brother have seen the secrets of
harry potter,
hymenlys secret chamber

"whats the point, of having a fck, i mean a rubber duck"

no ron, your hands are all slimey

spanked by the whomping willow
then violently penetrated by its hard wood

how to tell when they are old enough to cut up for potions?
when they start climbing out of their pots and into others pots and having partys and sex

rons btoken wand from too much rough use with haary

hymenly grabs the wood, shouts, and they all go rock hard

eat slugs
and off to hagrids for more slimey things in the mouth
better out than in
cant do much til its finished

mud blood?
having a dump whilst menstrating??

polygys potion
a school filled with trans

hymenly grips her wood and blows the ball
exploding it everywhere

wtf is the nurse bringing harry?
looks like hymenlys thing of choice

malfoy throws his snake harry
harry whispers to it

according to the recent woke movies
dumbledore is gay
to go and see him
you have to say
the name of candys
and go up in a staircase with your face staring at the naked groin of a large man with a birds head and wings

hymenly by age 12
expert on unlocking doors
memory charms
and date rape cakes

hymenly as a pussy
ron "look at your tail!!"

letting something mad and hairy loose in the school?
o hello hagrid

hymenly frozen
mouth open......

a theme in this movies, petrified school girls

basilisk fang
stabby stabby with the white poity thing, blood
gush gush gush

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