CHEMTRAILS and SENATORS - “Why would they drop it on themselves?”

4 months ago

US Air Force Ben Livingston -Vietnam Veteran. The father of weaponised weather.

Nanoparticualtes used as a HAARP WEATHER WEAPON. to alter CLIMATE. Prof Dane Wiggington.

Chemtrails work with EMF
Together they are a binary weapon.

The 5G effects (updated March ‘20)!

5G interacts with designer viruses like corona by accelerating its effects at will. Particularly 60Ghz to deprive the lungs of oxygen. The virus is spread from person to person or can be administered as a binary weapon in vaccinations.

Other effects:
Depression, lethargy, suicide, cancer, brain damage.
.short attention span,
.cancers - brain, gut, thyroid plus...
.DNA cell destruction
.sperm and egg cell destruction
.birth defects
.still births
.altered reality
.lowered intelligence
.eye sight loss
.brain damage
.childrens brain damage.
.concentration difficulties
.behavioural problems
.weakness (low energy)
.chest pain
.breathing difficulties
.heart cell problems
.heart attacks
.memory loss
. childrens’ development destruction.
.foetal development destruction interference.
.learning difficulty
.scoliosis and spinal abnormalities.
.Alzheimers disease
.DNA destruction of all living organisms on earth.

1 million 5G devices per square km. Reflect on city life!
Dr Barrie Trower Physicist and WWII British Navy Veteran on microwave and 5G

Suicidal tendencies and depression.

Sacha Stone.
A revealing, comprehensive, scientific and alarming film.
5G - an extinction event.

Further research:
.Dr Barry Trower directional weapons expert - British Navy.
.Prof Leuren Moret
.Prof Alfred Lambremont Webre - International war crimes Judge.
.Prof Dane Wiggington
.Prof Eric Jon Phelps - historian
.Prof Walter Veith
.Researcher David Icke
.Scientist Dana Durnford
.King Edward VIII daughter Emily Elizabeth Windsor Cragg.
.Laura Eisenhower granddaughter of US Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
.WWII vet Jordon Maxwell
.WWII vet agent William Tomkins

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