January 5, 2022 Whitney Welch Phone Call with Mark Adams: Wild Wild West Daltile

4 months ago

This phone call with Whitney Welch was recorded on January 5, 2022; one month after her visit to Virginia to survey the issues yet with zero resolutions and the toxicity and hostility towards me by Claire Copertino, Clara Jean Donahue and Steve Radford escalating.

During the call you will hear that the drama was escalating in much the same way that it had been for the previous months. Additionally, although you haven't heard this yet, Christine Phillips (RVP, Mid-Atlantic) told Whitney Welch back on December 8th (after Whitney's trip to Virginia that made Christine look like an idiot) that she was going to be making a point to meet with me during the week of December 10th. Of course, that never happened.

You will also hear Whitney describe how she would talk to Christine's Operations Team who have been sabotaging my success; essentially, to mollycoddle them like a bunch of scatter brained nitwits.

The information in this lawsuit is staggering and needs to be introduced in a way that skips around in order for you to fully appreciate the depth of the corruption. Make no mistake, this lawsuit is far bigger than a 'termination'; it encompasses corporate fraud, sabotage/collusion/conspiracy, legal fraud and judicial fraud. In fact, any judicial 'decision' that does not specifically hold constant with the Constitution for the United States (1787) and the Bill of Rights is an act of treason against the citizen(s) of this country/this state.

I am not being hyperbolic when stating that this may be the most important lawsuit filed in the State of Virginia in 2024; in fact, this may be the most important case filed in this country in 2024.

Stay tuned. It's about to really heat up.

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