South Korea Fires Warning Shots After North Korea Blows Up Border Roads

3 months ago

10/16/2024 ABC7: South Korean authorities said Tuesday North Korea blew up parts of two major roadways that connected to the southern part of the Peninsula and several explosions on the north side.
#NorthKorea #SouthKorea #KimJongUn #KoreanPeninsulaTension #BorderConflict
10/16/2024 ABC7:韩国当局表示,朝鲜于周二(10月15日)炸毁了连接朝鲜半岛南部的两条主要公路的部分路段,路段北侧发生了多起爆炸。
#朝鲜 #韩国 #朝鲜半岛紧张局势 #金正恩 #边境冲突

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