Fallout 76 PTS: Vulcan Power Armor Build

5 months ago

This is the current build Im using for the new Vulcan PA. Keep in mind this is the PTS and things can / will likely change before going to the live servers.

I use the Pepper Shaker and Gatling laser the most in the RAIDS. The Pepper Shaker with the Enforcer Perk makes short work of the shield on the bot in the first room. The gatling laser does decent damage to all enemies in there and it has the bully four star.

Power Armor Reboot legendary perk is a must for room 2 and 4 imo. It has saved my butt more times than I can count.
Funky Duds is another must have legendary perk imo as well. The poison in the RAIDS can get pretty serious.
END points are gonna be a big thing after the update. Alot of cards will now rely on those.
Junk Shield adds some nice resistance if you have high END and carry 100 Vault Steel with you.
Chem Fiend will help with the massive use of stimpaks, though as you learn the RAID you will use fewer.
Ricochet is based on LCK and works more often than I imagined it would.

If I change / add anything or think or more useful notes I will update them here. Thanks for watching! Dont forget to like, subscribe and comment below!

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