Rejected by Jesus: Full Metal Ox Day 1328

5 hours ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1328
Friday 18, October 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1393
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, or Minds.

Rejected by Jesus

Ego's adjustment to truths revealed this Apocalypse Year, are a little bit more difficult than Mind's adjustment. What adjustment? That the country of my birth and indoctrination isn't as great, free, badass, or benevolent as I was led to believe. Let alone smart. We could cite infiltration as an excuse, however had they been as bright as they believed, infiltration would have never happened.

Maybe. It's worth a soliloquy, if even just to work Ego through the transition.

Speaking of transition; I cannot remember the first time I was introduced to the concept of the End of Days. According to some people "End of Days" has been the contemporary era since before I was incarnated into this vessel. With all the prepping going on, I wonder if any of these devout Christians are prepping for the Rapture. What are they going to do with all the dried food and precious metal they've been hoarding when Jesus returns to take them to paradise? What happens when some of these folk are left behind? After all, storing material wealth in expectation of the Rapture is pretty much proof that you don't believe it's coming; or that you're not going.

Back to the gym after over a week out. We had a chance to go Tuesday but wimped out. It was closed Wednesday & Thursday. The weather was decent today and we jumped at the opportunity, even if we did have to spend the return trip under the umbrella.

Other than that it's a typical Friday. There will be a special tomorrow as well as our regular episode. They don't overlap, so you won't be double dipping if you decide to watch both.

Enjoy this Autumn weekend.

Today's Episode:

EXTRA EXTRA!! This is the first video I posted on Rumble. Same shit!!
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

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YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 10] Functional Fall. Deadlifting is still a thing, however we sustained what we deemed a nerve injury that we are still recovering from. (We know the difference between nerve ache & muscle soreness, we think.) Our Autumn plan is for more dynamic movement, rotation, jump training, body weight work. Still working towards strength & power via lifting, but also isometric holds, balance, dead hangs, and various assisted moves. Still working towards, muscle ups, plange, front lever, pistol squats and a few more gymnastic moves. The work is beneficial even if it takes us "forever" to hit those moves. I can feel some dormant muscles activate upon attempting various moves & positions.

Minimalist Maneuvers 01: (Tuesday) Indoor fitness recap:

Did We Jinx it? Thorsday Ep 93 -

Super Tuesday Ep 92 -

Weather Power Sol Day MBB 29/F12 -

Exotic Friday Finisher Ep 91 -

Roktober Rebuild (Humpday) Ep 90

Lease on Light (Moonday) Park Session 33 -

Slightly Ahead of the Curve Ep 89 (Sabado) -

Triceps Overload: Episode 88 (Thorsday) -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

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