Ep. 4: Unmasking the Zodiac w/ Mark G. Hewitt

3 months ago

Have you watched the new Netflix documentary, This is the Zodiac Speaking? Or the recent Peacock doc, Myth of the Zodiac Killer? If you are still questioning or seeking to answer the question, who was the Zodiac? This week, I have a discussion with Dr. Mark G Hewitt. He is the author of 4 books on the Zodiac case. Hunted: The Zodiac Murders, Profiled: The Zodiac Examined, Exposed: The Zodiac Revealed, and Obsessed: My Relentless Pursuit of the Zodiac Killer. Not only is he one of the premier experts on the Zodiac case, he has a unique view on who the Zodiac actually is.

So go and pick up his trilogy of books and see all Dr. Hewitt has to offer at http://www.doctorhewitt.com/

Then take time to go and pickup a copy of my bestselling book BEYOND THE HEADLINES: True Crime’s Myths & Legends https://a.co/d/5ibYRQE

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