DSNews | Welcome to Your Circus World | Adult Swim on Kamala, SNL Dramala, Real Raw News loose ends & Melania supports Pro-what now?

4 months ago


Office of Military Commissions Website: https://www.mc.mil/

DSNews | The Truth about RealRawNews & Michael Baxter, GTMO aka Gitmo & Derek Johnson’s Gitmo Grift: https://rumble.com/v4u1015-dsnews-the-truths-about-realrawnews-and-michael-baxter-gtmo-aka-gitmo-and-d.html

DSNews | Alt. Mockingbird Media | Alt. Fake News | Emma Katherine of the Imagination Podcast calls out Ariel on his BS!: https://rumble.com/v5igeot-dsnews-alt.-mockingbird-media-alt.-fake-news-emma-calls-out-ariel-on-his-bs.html


*D Booma San Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/DBoomaSan

Painfully Beautiful Truths Telegram & Chat:

**Donation Options | Certainly not expected but does help afford the video editing costs of Adobe Premiere Pro and the license-free stock footage and music from Envato Elements and Artlist ~ Thank you in advance if you do wish to help support my work!



***All the amazing Painfully Beautiful Productions LLC & D Booma San logos done by the brilliant and talented (Kasey Q)!

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