Earth Is A Multidimesional Playground for Growing A Worthy Soul (Jane Roberts)

17 hours ago

This is a revealing Session number 701 back in the 1970s found within the Sethbook named "The Unknown Reality, Volume Two."

Seth was the latest messenger to Earth's creation for developing soul-fragments. Many "speakers" have been born into physical reality through the apparent history of Earth's time-lines... many many timelines of probable-worlds of Earth.

Seth is an "energy personality essence" where only a tiny part of it's personality created a psychological-bridge link-up with Jane Roberts' psychic ability. Jane and her husband Rob Butts were not fakes like the Mystery School minions who plagued the Earth with Masonic and Easter-Star bullshit... pretending to be psychic as a part of the NWO's efforts to bamboozle the sheeple.

Before I discovered the Mystery School cUlt running Western Civilization, I had no idea why Seth claimed that humanity upon Earth was in an appalling, spiritual, twisted-situation. Today, you can now see that humanity is in an appalling, politically, twisted-situation. Freemasons and Eastern-Star thUgs are religiously invading Western Civilization with Muslims to be aided by the Mystery School minions to undermine the Christian-roots of the West.
Since the Luciferian-traitors to humanity are trained to be good at hiding in the shadows... we see crazy things happening to people and children who think they can use cat-litter boxes and "meow" all day in schools run by Eastern-Star teachers and Masonic boards-of-directors.

This session 701 dictated by Jane Roberts for the Seth-messenger holds many truths and warnings.
The main message is that you are given your Present Point of Power to chose your path through the probabilities of the multidimensional universe which places you at the center of your own perception. What this means is you don't have to follow what wicked monster want you to do if it goes against your chosen principles and values. If you defy the monsters you can pick your own path through the probabilities to enter into a mass probable-reality where the good people join-up together to create a lovely Earth rather than the Masonic Hell-hole you see them starting to ram down your throat. Just realize that your Creator-God is behind you 100% where-ever you want to go.

The Sethbooks away say: "You create your own reality."
The basis is that you are also a multidimensional being choosing your path through infinite probabilities. Earth is not meant to be world where you get to lazily lay back and piss-on other people the way Freemasons and Eastern-Stars and their ancient Homo capensis masters behave. They are the epitome of failing soul-fragments and have chosen to destroy the integrity of their genetics as well as their precious soul-fragments.

The Sethbook "Unknown Reality" is difficult to understand if you don't first read "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul"
Next "The Nature of Personal Reality"
After those two Sethbooks try Unknown Reality if you like:

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