Rahan. Episode One Hundred and Eighteen. By Roger Lecureux. All for One! A Puke (TM) Comic.

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Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.

Son of the Fierce Ages.

Episode One Hundred and Eighteen.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

All for One!

The Unarmed Colossus, grappling with four cheetahs, had just broken the spine of one of the beasts.
But he could not, despite his strength, get rid of the other three.
If Rahan does not come to his aid, the "Spotted Skins" will slit his throat!

The clamor of battle thundered beneath the foliage.
And the son of Crao fell into the middle of the fray.
Since childhood, the struggle for life had accustomed him to these merciless confrontations.

This one was as violent as it was fast. The ivory knife had barely struck down a feline.

Page Two.

And it flew off to bring death to one of the other two, who were knocking down the hunter.

The last beast leapt onto a low branch and disappeared into the foliage.
Rahan is glad to have helped you, brother!

The son of Crao did not expect any thanks.
But what followed stunned him.
Ga-Har did not need your help!
He would have killed the "Spotted Skins" all by himself.

"Those-who-walk-upright" must help each other and.
Ha-ha-ha! You have to be crazy to risk your life for another!
You are a fool “Hair of Fire”!

Go away! Go away and remember that Ga-Har is strong enough to not need anyone!

The man proved his strength by throwing the dead cheetahs on his shoulders and walking away, barely bending under the burden.

Page Three.

The colossus, shortly after, returned to an isolated hut.
Rahan is not surprised that Ga-Har lives like a lonely old bear!

But why do others imitate him?
Other flimsy huts stood here and there, curiously spaced apart from each other.

And why do they not care about this "Little Man"!?
The child who was whimpering in the shadow of a rock was clearly suffering from hunger.

Where are yours, little one?
Where is the leader of your clan?
My father and mother went to "The territory-of-shadows." Killed while hunting. Two moons ago.

And the clan has no leader!
No chief? Explain to Rahan, little one.

The child explained to the son of Crao the strange way of life of this clan.
Where each hunted for his own account, indifferent to everything that did not concern his own family!

Page Four.

And when your people died, no one cared for you! And the fire of hunger tortures your entrails!
Rahan will bring you some meat, little one!

Controlling his indignation, Rahan presented himself at Ga-Har's hut.
Rahan comes to get his share of the "Spotted Skins," Ga-Har!
Huh? What do you say "Fire-Hair"?

Rahan does not ask you to thank him for saving your life.
But he killed two "Spotted Skins", and he deserves his share of meat!

Ga-Har was the first to see the "Spotted Skins! The meat is his! He will keep it! All of it!
No, Ga-Har, not all of them!

Ha-ha-ha! Try to touch the meat, little man! Come closer. Come closer.
The son of Crao knew the fight would be tough.

He did not approach.
But he rushed like a ram, with his head down.
Anything but this colossus would have collapsed under this blow. But Ga-Har barely wavered!
Page Five.

And his huge fist threw Rahan ten steps!
Ha-ha-ha! Do you still want meat, "Fire-Hair"!?

More than ever!
Hunters were running, more amused than anything else by this unequal hand-to-hand combat that was beginning. Ten times Rahan rolled on the ground. Ten times he returned to the attack!

You are as tenacious as a wild beast, "Fire-Hair"! But Ga-Har wants to finish you off!

The club roared close to Rahan's neck.
The blow had been delivered with such violence that the colossus lost his balance.

He had not gotten up before Rahan snatched the weapon from him. And.
Zlang! Argh!
Ga-Har will not wake up anytime soon!

A little later.
Eat, little one.
Rahan is as good as father was!
The hunters watched without really understanding Rahan's reactions.

Page Six.

What selfish hunters are you to abandon a child to hunger!?
What stupid hunters are you to forget that "Those-who-walk-upright" can only survive by helping each other!

All for one! This must be the law of men! It is a law that makes them stronger!
The hunters listened with interest to words that they had never heard.

The son of the wild ages spoke at length, citing a thousand examples drawn from his adventurous life.
Maybe “Fire-hair” is right?
Maybe the hunt would be better if we hunted together?

And if you group your huts into a solid village you will have less to fear from the "Two-tooths" who roam this territory!

In the days that followed Rahan organized a new way of life.
The huts were rebuilt inside a rampart of spikes.

Hunting trips, now conducted jointly, were less dangerous and more fruitful.
Mine owe you a lot Rahan! Ga-Har is crazy not to mingle with us!

Page Seven.

In fact, only the colossus persisted in living on the fringes of the clan.
Hum. Ga-Har has not hunted anything in days!
And the others are bringing back a lot of meat!

However, one morning.
You said "Fire-Hair" that the new law was all for one!
So, the clan must help Ga-Har who is hungry!

The hunters protested, but.
Let us give Ga-Har a share of meat!
His share!

The son of Crao believed he would win the colossus over to a new way of life.
He was wrong.

All for one! That is a good law! If all for one. Why not "all for Ga-Har"! Ha-ha-ha!

Ga-Har made fun of you, Rahan!
Maybe! But Rahan acted as Crao would have acted. He did what was wise to do!

"Those-who-walk-upright" sometimes have bad ideas in their heads.
It often takes a long time for them to leave their minds. You have to be patient!

Page Eight.

The son of Crao now ignored Ga-Har who continued to keep his distance from his people.
Until the day when.
Ha-ha-ha! What is "Fire-Hair" afraid of?!

Emerging from the forest, Rahan and a few hunters took refuge in the village.
The “Two-tooths” are coming towards us! A whole herd! Come with us, Ga-Har!

The ground shook, and suddenly the black torrent, the black torrent of mammoths, rushed out of the forest.

Come Ga-Har! Quick! Quick!
The colossus hesitated, torn between his fear and his pride.
And suddenly, he was distraught.

He took refuge in his hut!
The mammoths leading the charge were now closer than an arrow range!
Ga-Har should have stayed with the others!
He. He is going to join the "Shadows"!

Page Nine.

The hut, dislocated, disappeared among the monsters which continued their race towards the village.

Ga-Har is dead!
With astonishing audacity, the son of Crao slipped between the "Two-teeth" who were colliding with the rampart of spears.

Under the rubble of his hut, the colossus still lived.
Ga-Har's leg is broken!
Lean on Rahan. Quickly!
The "Two-Tooths will come back! Quickly!

The mammoths, whose attacks broke on the spears, charged blindly from all sides.

It was a miracle that, one supporting the other, Rahan and Ga-Har were able to return to the chicanes of the rampart.

Page Ten.

The "Two-tooths" gave up!
The mammoths retreated from being injured by the fearsome spears. Their reformed herd disappeared.

Soon in the forest.
This is the first time we have repelled an attack by the "Two teeth"!
And it is thanks to you, Rahan!

They surrounded Ga-Har, who seemed to have come out of a bad nightmare.
The lesson, this time, had paid off.
Ga-Har was crazy to think he could do without the others!

All for one! The new law you propose to the clan is good "Fire-Hair"!
Yes, Ga-Har, it is good.
But on condition.

Do not forget that "All for one" also means "One for all"!
Ga-Har will know not to forget it!

Rahan was happy to have convinced these hunters.
In these fierce times, was not joining forces the only way to survive for "Those-who-walk-upright”?

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