God is Love, but. . .

4 months ago

Love is all the rage nowadays: love, Love, LOVE people cry, insisting that we love. It's fast becoming a *fascist* religion.

For all the exhortations to love I've come to see that *human love* is not DIVINE and masses of "awakened" people still got a whole lotta awakening to do. . . . Everyone loves - *in their own way* - but not everyone has the *truth.*

Right now, as the world is, TRUTH is more important than Love. Presently, as *WE* are, we have to be situated in *TRUTH* before we can Love rightly because Love *can only be* expressed in the context of TRUTH.

Ours is a flesh exalting *pagan world* (with added fancy tech) where the truth is a very hard thing to realise, let alone get to grips with. In so many truth simply doesn't compute: they prefer FANTASY TRUTH.

Jesus is THE TRUTH and He ain't no fantasy: He's *serious* as a heart attack. He seriously died for our sins. Jesus is the *Greatest Expression* of GOD LOVE there ever will be.

New agers love to proclaim *love 'n' light* but soon after my conversion (out of 30 years of hinduism, gnosticism and New Age) I had the strong impression that compared to JESUS human love 'n' light is like *hate* and *darkness.*

We think we're so loving but the Love of Jesus puts us to shame: His Love is deeper, purer and profounder than we can imagine. Jesus *is* the incredible Love of God in Action and Glorious Fulfilment.

Though He Expressed Great Love Jesus never said "I Am Love," He said *"I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life"* and He wasn't lying or mistaken, there's no *deception* in Him. That statement wasn't just for Israel but for *the world.* We see by the *entirety* of *the Bible* that Jesus is for EVERYONE. The Bible tells the truth about everything; Israel is the template for humanity. Jesus came to His People but they REJECTED Him so His Hand is extended to the Rest of humanity. The Jews were prophesied to be hated by the world but chosen by GOD to bring Salvation to THE WORLD (John 3:16-19)

People say that Jesus loves them as they are, and they're right. But they love themselves more than they love Jesus! The *Glorious* thing about *God's Love* is that it's *transformative* . . . . GOD changes us because He LOVES US TOO MUCH to leave us as we are. In God's Eyes our fallen nature is a wretched, pitiful state.

Being Born Again by the holy Spirit (John 3) changes us at our core nature. Spirit brings the true paradigm shift all other *purely conceptual* shifts detract from or *bastardize.*

By the Light of Spirit there's no incoming new age of love 'n' light on the terms of man, woman or E.T. . . . Founded - as they are - on spiritual MIRAGE new age platitudes are wholly delusory.

The Earth's functioning at a drastically reduced level of Divinity from original creation; the masses gravely mistake inverted spiritualities for truth. Many think they're so spiritual with their fancy ass psychic faculties but the inter-dimensional/astral realms are full of advanced psychic duplicity.

For all the talk of enlightenment it's shocking to realise how far the bulk of mankind is from true Enlightenment (John 8:12): the Earth is beguiled by advanced perversions of enlightenment by which the spiritual deception of mankind is sustained. I used to be an awakened neo-vedantic new ager, I intuitively understood what "enlightened" gurus were sayin, now I spiritually comprehend what a terrible LIE their enlightenment is. The cabal rabbit hole goes deeper than most care to realise: the reports of a world conspiracy are true and the source of it is SPIRITUAL.

Regardless of modernist opinions spiritual EVIL exists and ABOUNDS stealthily. We've inherited a deeply defective psychogenic reality: the original metaphysics of human consciousness have been compromised. Life is extremely tenuous (James 4:14) - strong delusion is prevalent; conspiracy land is RIFE with twisted logic, fake news dressed as truth and truth mixed with LIES.

Despite the vainglorious hopes for planetary ASCENSION and a New Age of love 'n' light BILLIONS of imprudent souls obliviously teeter on the edge of an ABYSS. Despite all the proclamations of "love 'n' light" it's an utterly dreadful state of spiritual affairs.

I've had all sorts of bitterness thrown at me since I began preachin' my conversion, from "spiritual" folk to academia; but I'm going with whatever Spirit lays on my heart. I feel useless (sometimes) - hemmed in by all the deeply deluded *demagogues* spouting vainglorious spiel. Even some popular christians make me ill, there's so much deception in them. Faced with all that my insight seems like a curse. But it's a (mixed) BLESSING.

My videos look simple & retro but a heck of a lotta of time and thought goes into 'em. If you don't like my style I can't help you. Good luck finding the truth 'cos there's a hell of a lotta beguiling frauds out there stealing highly suggestible minds.

For more VISION check out my Spirit Inspired blogscape https://spiritbomb777.blogspot.com

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