UFO Sighting, Rancagua, Chile - Close Encounter 05-19-20 Extraterrestrials UFOs UFO Chile

4 months ago

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On May 19, 2020, at 12:10 PM, in Rancagua, Chile, an incredible UFO sighting occurred that was witnessed by 9 people. The dark-colored object was moving in a straight line from north to south, but the most surprising thing was how it rotated on its own axis in movements of approximately 90° in all directions. The estimated distance between the witness and the object was between 200 and 400 meters. This sighting, which lasted approximately 8 minutes, was recorded by Jodie Ariel under cloudy weather conditions.

Sighting details:

Date and time: May 19, 2020, 12:10 PM
Duration: 8 minutes
Distance to object: Between 200 and 400 meters
Object movements: Straight line, rotating on its axis
Number of witnesses: 9 people
Weather conditions: Cloudy
Point of appearance: North, 30 degrees east
Point of disappearance: South
The main witness describes the object as an alien craft, stating that he had never seen anything similar in shape and movement. This type of sighting has been classified as a "Close Encounter of the First Kind", since it involves the observation of a UFO at close range.

Do you have a UFO sighting or experience to share?
Report your case to Tío Ovni Chile and help us investigate these phenomena. Your identity will be protected, unless you decide to share some data publicly.

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