Naomi Wolf on how Covid vaccines are the greatest crime against humanity

2 months ago

"And I can say without hesitation that this (Pfizer COVID vaccine) is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history because of the scale and the foreknowledge of the harm that they were unleashing on human beings around the world. Pfizer knew within a month after the rollout of the vaccine into the public, in November 2020 that the vaccine didn't work to stop COVID. It was ineffective against COVID. In the language internally is vaccine failure and failure of efficacy. And in fact, the third most common side effect in the documents is COVID. Literally the third most common side effect. Most common is you're still getting COVID. Yes, so everything that followed, Del, the mandates, the lost jobs, the families torn apart, the deaths, the injuries, the sterilizations were based on a lie...Massive transfer of wealth based on a lie."

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