Pesticides potentially as bad as smoking for increased risk in certain cancers

9 hours ago

The Jaxen Report: "So this is looking at the impact of organic foods on chronic diseases. This is a systematic review, again, looking at a lot of studies. It says a significant inverse relationship between organic food consumption and cardio metabolic risk factors, including obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypolipidemia was observed in a majority of prospective studies.
Then it goes on to say the obvious clinical trials consistently indicated lower pesticide exposure in participants on organic diet, suggesting potential health benefits...This is a study out of Frontiers of Medicine and it says "Pesticides potentially as bad as smoking for increased risk in certain cancers". And they talked to the lead author. He said: In our study we found that for some cancers the effect of agricultural pesticide usage in comparable in magnitude to the effect of smoking... And the ones they found leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, bladder cancer. And so, you know, if government really wanted to do something and they can't reform the agencies, well, maybe throw some incentives on those organic foods to make them cheaper for people because people are having a really hard time buying food right now. So how are they going to afford organic food? Make people pay for the bad food that they want to have. If they want to have food with all these bad ingredients in them make it like a pack of cigarettes. They have to pay triple the price for it..."

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