Are You Being Over-Diagnosed? - Dr. Kevin Reese

2 months ago

One of the BIGGEST problems of the Medical Monopoly is Over-Diagnosis.

According to Dr. Reese, this is one of the reasons why we shouldn’t even go, unless it is an absolute emergency.

What they are doing is creating revenue streams for Big Pharma and Medical Technology Machine manufacturers.

They are implementing these Tests and these Markers and because the Markers are so LOW – EVERYONE is ending up on drugs.

Everyone is also ending up with unnecessary surgeries because of these “diagnostic markers” that have a label and definition of treatment that go with them.

If you trigger a marker – here’s another drug for this condition or here’s another surgery.

How many people are walking around without Thyroids, Gall Bladders, Prostates or Breasts?

Dr. Reese says that more than likely, 9 out 10 of these surgeries were unnecessary.

People are being OVER-DIAGNOSED.

Cholesterol is a great example. In the 1970’s, the normal cholesterol was 300. Now it is 200. That is 100 points lower. They brought this down in the early 1990’s.

Why did they bring it down then?

Was because of tests were indicating something totally different?

Was it because they cared so much about the people?

NO, it was because of Statin Drugs came out.

They wanted more people diagnosed because the plan was to approve and push some statin drugs and the insiders could make Billions over the years – which is exactly what happened.

Blood Pressure is another example. The Systolic Blood Pressure used to be 150 and now it’s 120.

Gotta get those people on drugs to “save their lives.”

People need to wake up and realize that these drugs are definitely NOT saving lives. They are controlling diagnostic markers and making people believe they are sick and need to be on a lifetime drug to keep them healthy.

It’s a lie.

But the biggest scam of all is the C-an-cer Scans and Testing.
They are using the news to market the hell out of these kinds of tests – Colonoscopies, Mammograms (which there are not tests to indicate the mammograms have prevented or slowed down cancer), and Blood Tests galore.

Anyone and Everyone will fail a Depression Psychiatry Test these days and if they have a good enough Nurse Practitioner, they will convince you of it too.

So, just like that, they convince you that you are depressed, give you some drugs and the placebo effect will help for a while, then you back and get another label with another drug and so forth.

The depression scam gets worse, now they are labeling the depressions so they can sell drugs the new categories of depression. It’s a Fraudulent System, NOT designed for health and well being but designed to keep you in a state of fear, THINKING you need DRUGS to stay “Healthy.”

Another wonderful example is the Prostate Testing for Men. The prostate is a very small gland and they use Needles for their Biopsies. They will poke the gland about 10 times to look for any indication of cancer (note – this is usually after what they call a high PSA blood test).

If they find ONE cell out of just ONE of those Needle Pokes that indicate Cancer, you will be Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. If just 1 out 10, it is the same diagnosis as if 10 out of 10 indicated cancer.

One of the “treatment” for prostate cancer is REMOVING the prostate. The same with Breast Cancers and if they think that they found it “early” they can just remove the prostate or breast to get rid of the cancer.

What they don’t know is that cancer cells are likely produced very often and our body recognizes and gets rid of them.

They also don’t know that the body CAN heal if you know how to provide proper nutrition and what to avoid.

Cancer is marketed as a MONSTER – it is the C-Monster.

The industry is scaring people with just the word.

What the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex doesn’t want you to know is that proper Nutrition and eliminating certain foods can help the body heal from the C-Monster.

Dr. Kevin Reese -- “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” -- That is what the Pharmaceutical Industry Complex is doing.

What is the True Cause of Cancer →


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END. 10/20/2024 – 6:00 PM

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