Cessna 152 VFR Flight Indianapolis Metro to Richmond Indiana | No GPS or Navaids | MSFS2020

4 months ago

Join Ashley on a VFR flight in a Cessna 152 from Indianapolis Metro airport to Richmond, Indiana. It's an eastbound 57 nautical mile flight. See what procedures and thoughts go through a pilots mind when flying a short VFR flight. The various chapters listed below enable you to skip to the part of the flight you are most interested in watching. 00:00 Welcome.
00:10 VFR Navigation flight - Indianapolis Metro to Richmond, Indiana.
00:22 Flight Briefing - VFR Route, NOTAMS & Weather briefing.
04:13 Startup Procedure using Checklist.
04:29 Weight & Balance.
07:37 Indianapolis Metro Airport AWOS - Automated Weather Observation Service.
10:23 Taxi instrumentation checks.
13:00 Run-Up checks.
18:37 High-Wing visual check for any traffic on final for landing before entering runway.
19:11 Entering active runway for Departure.
19:34 Commencing Take-Off roll.
23:53 Climbing out overhead Indianapolis Metro Airport and tracking outbound.
25:34 Climb checklist.
26:43 Cruise checklist.
28:05 First prominent visual ground reference conformation.
28:54 Initial calculated ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival @ Richmond, Indiana airport.
29:11 Going through the enroute C.L.E.A.R.O.F checklist.
29:24 C - Compass - Make sure DG is aligned with the magnetic compass.
30:10 L - Log - Enter your estimated time of arrival & updated time of arrival.
31:57 E - Engine - Set intended engine RPM & lean the mixture as necessary. Temp & pressure in good condition.
32:04 A - Altimeter - Confirm set to the correct altimeter setting.
32:14 R - Radios - Set frequencies for VHF radios & Ground based Navaids.
41:53 O - Orientation - Confirm visually that you are flying in the correct direction.
42:26 F - Fuel - Switch fuel tanks & confirm fuel status.
42:38 Remember to go through the C.L.E.A.R.O.F checks for each leg of your flight.
44:57 Calculating your actual ground speed. Velocity = Distance / Time
45:32 Using an E6B Pilot calculator. Use an online E6B if you do not have one.
45:50 Online E6B calculator - e6bx.com/e6b
47:32 Revised estimated time of arrival.
48:16 Calculating when to start descending, based on new eta & @ 500 feet per minute rate of Descent.
53:06 How to measure an estimated distance on your VFR chart.
55:13 Commencing descent into Richmond, Indiana airport (KRID).
01:01:09 Established on final RWY 06 for landing @ KRID.
01:02:41 Clear of runway and after landing checks.
01:04:49 Aircraft shut down procedure.
01:06:17 Thank-you for watching this video.

Software used @GndSpeedGaming to create this video:
OBS - Open Broadcast Software (free open source software): Used to capture video footage from the computer screen.
Affinity Photo 2 - https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/
Davinci Resolve by Black Magic Design. (free video editing software) https://ashleywincer.com/DaVinci

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