Spirits in the Material World by the Police ~ We are Souls Having a Physical Experience

4 months ago

Spirits in the Material World was the Opening Track for the Police's 4th Album, Ghost in the Machine, and it set the Tone perfectly, both Musically and Lyrically, for the entire album, and Record that spoke powerfully to us, that there was something very WRONG about this World that we are Forced to Live in, starting with the Basic Gnosis that We are Spirits, or Soul, having a Physical Experience, and NOT the other way around...

ALL of the Finest Human Minds throughout history have all said the same thing, which is that we are Souls, inhabiting Physical Bodies, to have a Physical Experience upon this Plane of Duality, where the Feeling of being Disconnected from God is possible, even when it is NOT...

And in this Song, which opened the Album, Sting let us all Know his Thoughts about Organized Society and those that Blindly Served it, instead of God, a Reality filled with CORRUPT Men and Wombmen, who has lost all Connection to God, and had become Morally Bankrupt, executing the Wishes of our SHADOW GOVERNMENT, hiding in the wings, like Executioners of our Souls...

And in this Song, Sting makes it perfectly clear, that unless we re-Learn to put SPIRIT first, and the Physical Self second, then the Greed, Lust and Violence of this Broken World will Never Change...

Enjoy this Song of Powerful Truth, that opened up one of the Best and Most Important albums ever released...

Love, CF

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Charlie's List of Recommended Movies to Watch on IMDB...

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