Veterans Activist Calling Cards

4 hours ago

Profound Truths


1.) Seal 🦭 Team 6 Was Executed By Obama / Biden / Hillary States Department.

2.) P Diddy Initial Charges ~

3.) #Adrenochrome #FuckTheJuice #FUCKTHEJEWS #FUCKTHEJEWS #Adrenochrome #Adrenochrome #FuckTheSystem #Adrenochrome #FuckTheSystem #Adrenochrome
#MF59 #SyntheticSqualene #AS03 #AF03 #ExperimentalAdjuvants

4.) Scotty Mar10 ~ Falling In Reverse ⏮️

5.) My Thoughts On Illegal Immigration ~

6.) EXTERMINATION PROJECT POGO & PROJECT ZYPHER : PROJECT POGO & PROJECT ZYPHR: It doesn’t get more serious than these two black ops!

Ultra-Secret Zionist Scheme for World Takeover Revealed by Deep Insider…
…Who Already Exposed Trump’s Aborted War Plan Against Iran

“Every patriot needs to know about 
Project Pogo and Project Zyphr.”
— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer

State of the Nation
Let’s be very clear, the Zionist cabal and their covert plans for total world domination have been laid bare like never before. People everywhere are now aware of the true purposes of apartheid state of Israel.
The Internet has been used by truth seekers to completely unveil their malevolent strategies to collapse the American Republic and form a One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem.
The specific timeline for establishing a Zionist dictatorship has been clearly delineated for well over a century. World War I, the Great Depression and World War II were each engineered by the Zionists in an effort to advance their New World Order agenda. Likewise, the false flag 9/11 attacks, War on Terror and Greater Israel project are integral pieces of their fastidiously formulated blueprint for wars of naked aggression and state-sponsored terrorism.
Now comes along one “David Goldberg”. Goldberg has already eminently distinguished himself by outing a clandestine Trump administration war plan against Iran. There’s no question that he possessed highly classified insider information which he widely disseminated to avert the invasion. As follows:

Insider Says Israel Poised to Stage False Flag Attack Against U.S. Targets to Start War with Iran

Project Pogo & Project Zyphr
Truly, it doesn’t get more serious than Project Pogo and Project Zyphr!

Classified Docs Reveal DEADLY “Project Zyphr” (Video)

Once again, David Goldberg is exposing a crucial piece of the global Zionist scheme toward world conquest. Only this time he discloses the nuts and bolts of a worldwide black operation that will effectively take out every major truth speaker and writer who threatens their treasonous enterprise.
SOTN was quite reluctant to publish the article posted below in its entirety in light of its incorrect premise. Unlike Dr. Henry Makow, we fully believe that the “David Goldberg” identity is being used to expose very real plans to subjugate nations large and small in the interest of forming an overarching Zionist totalitarian superstate.
In reality, it makes no difference if “David Goldberg” is dead or alive, real or unreal; for the true messenger has divulged the most radioactive truth there is today for the Patriot Movement to comprehend. Simply put, the ultra-classified data dump posted below is as important as any ever posted by this Alt Media platform.
Again, even if it is the Zionist themselves who are stealthily putting out this extremely critical info in order to tag whoever picks it up and runs with it so they can eventually be incarcerated or exterminated, being privy to their odious scheme is much better than not knowing at all.
Lastly, we do not feel the video below in any way discredits the truth. It never really matters who the messenger is. All that does matter is that the raw unvarnished truth is disclosed so that truth seekers can make informed decisions and respond accordingly.
Please, everyone, help us disseminate this pivotal post far and wide!
State of the Nation
September 4, 2019
N.B. Ever since Trump played his trump cards and totally exposed his hand, SOTN undertook a series of exposés on his secret agenda. The 5 links that follow contain some of the most authoritative information on the Internet today about Trump’s carefully hidden back story. The content of each of them is remarkably consistent with the “David Goldberg” article posted below them. The key phrase here is “false opposition“. Donald J. Trump was installed by Israel in 2016 as both false and perfectly controlled opposition.
Truth About Trump Will Bring Down the Whole System
A VERY SPECIAL MESSAGE TO THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT: Donald Trump is NOT who we thought he was
TRUMP: The Most Dangerous Economic Hitman & Financial Terrorist Of All Time
MAGAgate: The Hidden Agenda Behind Donald Trump
Team Trump Meets Bush Dynasty Half Way to End Epic Feud

KEY POINT: It ought to be obvious to everyone that the success of a plot of this enormity and gravity relies heavily on stealth and secrecy. (After all, that’s the primary MO of the throughly Zionist Khazarian Mafia.) And, that anyone who successfully penetrates the conspiracy is basically a dead man walking. Well, then, why wouldn’t the real code breakers create an identity such as “David Goldberg” to make public the diabolical Zionist plan?

David Goldman Psyop: Phoney Messenger Discredits the Truth
August 31, 2019

(Posted Aug 31 by “friends of David Goldberg”)
This story evolved when it was revealed that
David Elias Goldman didn’t exist

It began as David Goldberg -“Anti Semites”
Are Being Tagged for Extermination

You reveal the truth. Then you
discredit it by having a phoney messenger.

August 26, I posted this article about David Goldberg: “Dead Jewish Whistleblower Confirmed Occult WW3 Scenario.”

Goldberg, 59, was supposedly murdered on June 9. His “deadman’s switch” was supposedly activated in the form of this recording where he reveals that the White House has a project to “tag, track and identify” (“T, T & Id”) opponents of Zionist world government.

They plan to eliminate these people: The “high-value people” through extermination; the “low value” people through viruses. Goldberg estimates the total at 15 million. This information is consistent with the fanaticism of Cabalists throughout history.

Goldberg says Trump is an intrinsic part of this demented Zionist scheme. His first loyalty is to Israel. He is a con man first and foremost. This is all true. Except…

RED FLAG!!!! David Elias Goldberg was supposedly a journalist but google him. There is NOTHING. No other pictures.His image appears nowhere else on the Internet. No obituary. No funeral. There is no evidence this man actually existed. He is a “Fellow at the Jewish Center for Antisemitic Studies” which doesn’t exist. We are meant to discover all this.

Yet everything he says rings true. Think about it. Put out the truth and then discredit it. This may explain why the recording and this article are still up. Nothing to see here folks. Go back to sleep. (Dannielle Blumenthal was the first to raise this red flag.)

Goldberg is a Jewish psyop, probably ADL, but I still take his message seriously. There is a mountain of corroborating evidence, i.e. Trump’s subservience to Israel and Chabad, the Epstein connectionand his recent remarks about being the “King of Israel” and “destroying” antisemites. We cannot be naive about the grave danger we face.

Listen to the recording which I summarize below.

by Henry Makow PhD

David Goldberg supposedly was murdered on June 8. His “dead man’s switch” has been activated by this recording.

A White House “insider”, who he refers to as a male yet interviewed a female, supposedly gave Goldberg a trove of documents and memos which indicate that the Cabalists (the Chabad cult) fear the increasing awareness about Zionist plans for a tyrannical world government based in Israel. Here are his main points:

1. The growing awareness of the Cabalist agenda for world government is a problem for Zionists. They have been shutting down some websites like The Ugly Truth. But, Goldberg says, they have initiated other web sites which actually tell the truth in order to identify people who subscribe. He speculates that Adam Green’s Know More News is one of these but he does not know for sure. [Discrediting Green makes sense for Goldman, a Jewish psyop.] Goldberg calls these “gatekeeper” sites. He says Alex Jones is an obvious example. This “T, T & ID” program is called “Project Pogo.” Ironically, his own recordings actually may be fulfilling this function.

2. The second program is called “Project Zyphr.” This involves exterminating American opposition to Zionist world tyranny. He predicts power blackouts and/or a world financial crash will be used as a cover to round up opposition. A flu-like virus may be used. He speculates that it will go down in the winter of 2020-2021 after Trump’s reelection which is guaranteed.

It makes sense. This is why the Demonrats are behaving so badly. To elect Trump.

This is why they are pushing gun control and the motive behind all the mass shootings. The latest shooting was on Saturday. They often hire the same people to stage these shootings. ( See my Twitter feed for @Zyntrax.)

Left-Right (globalist-nationalist, fascist-communist) collaboration is part of a coordinated attack on humanity just like World War Two, and all wars. (Hitler vs Stalin yada yada) Americans are being led down a garden path. Trump is the “Chosen One.”

All nation-states will be collapsed, Goldberg says. A world government and world currency will be presented as the only alternative to chaos.

Trump is totally on board. He has been promised the title “King of Israel” and his family will have the highest status.

Trump recently referred to himself, in the trade context, as “the Chosen One,”…the “King of Israel.” Trump has called for the death penalty for all antisemites. The Noahide Laws say that people who worship Christ and refuse to serve the Jews should be guillotined.

3. Trump has been a conscious agent of this conspiracy for years. The script — “Make America Great,” Build the Wall, etc. — was all drafted five years ago. The election indeed may have been hacked …by Israel. The Russian collusion is all diversion.

“Trump loved the script,” Goldberg said. “He’ll be President. He’ll be able to do a lot of things he was already predisposed to do.”

See also Insider: Is Trump Family Cult Behind Coming Armageddon?


If Goldberg is correct, Trump is false opposition, a Judas Goat, or Pied Piper leading Americans to destruction, like Hitler did to Germans, while pretending to defend their interests. (Consider also Steve Bannon’s connection to the Zionist mouthpiece, Breitbart.)

4. Goldberg says Trump’s speechwriter Stephen Miller, left, a Jew like Trump, is an ardent Zionist and plays a “big role” in the agenda.

5. Goldberg said he feared for his life. He sees black SUVs outside his residence which drive away when he approaches them. He has given friends copies of all the documents. He doesn’t care if he dies because “this is getting serious”…it is reaching a “terrifying new level.”

He estimates 15 million will die but “it could be more.”

But everyone will be caught up in the blackouts and “financial meltdown.” There will be food shortages and other mayhem which will be used to justify the new world government.


I cannot vouch for this information but it would explain why I have received so little pushback. Yes, I am being partly shadowbanned on Google. But I suspect my Twitter followers and other readers are being identified.

I am not a witting part of “Project Pogo.” I am inspired by a belief in God and God’s purpose for humanity. Our lives are trivial if we are not doing God’s work in some fashion. This is our common purpose, our common meeting place. Humanity should be led by the very finest people instead of the dregs.

In conclusion, I believe Goldberg’s information is true but that he is a Cabalist Jewish psyop designed to discredit this very information. They always telegraph their intentions. His Jewish accent is a little too thick to be believable. He doesn’t exist. We will probably find his picture among “victims” of some mass shooting.

His recording probably functioned to do the job he was “warning” about, track “antisemites.” He said these “gatekeeper” sites get credibility by telling the truth, the very thing I believe he did.

I wanted to believe Goldberg was a Jewish martyr prepared to sacrifice his life to expose the madness of the Jewish leadership. This was not to be. It was another Jewish psyop. But it did reveal a lot of truth 1. Trump is first an agent of Israel and the NWO 2. Left and Right collaborate to advance the cabalist agenda 3. The period after Trump’s 2020 election is an ominous time.

Goldberg’s “information” will not deter me and I hope it won’t deter you. We must use our freedom to oppose this evil plot.

We must hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
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