Scared To Death In The Health World & Nerve-Gut Acid Stabilizer & Vitamin C Shock Therapy

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It’s everywhere in the health world—fear and chaos. In every ad, news article, podcast or video, there is a person now screaming bloody murder about everything from air fresheners to pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, and soon to be radiation. You’re welcome—thirty-plus years of educating and messaging the truth to all walks of life, including to many influencers you see today, doctors, practitioners, health coaches and others. The Medical Medium book series is all about the dangers we face, but with responsible tools and solutions to face them. Yet, right now, everywhere you turn, someone is screaming their head off to try to get a thrill and a chill, with shock and awe about doomsday. They are taking advantage of an awakening of people coming to the realization that plastics and metals and pesticides might be harming them. Once again, you’re welcome. It’s good to get an awareness out there; it’s bad to put people in fear irresponsibly and not offer viable, realistic approaches to protecting themselves and their loved ones. Instead, they are offering programs that cost thousands, with regurgitated information about everything health in a hash-posh manner. So, people are taken advantage of during the Shock–and-Awe Era. Medical Medium publications show where this awareness started from, but today, influencers have defiled the true meaning of the importance of the awareness. This trend will pass, leaving a wake of allergic people, highly sensitive to the fear-mongering and sky-is-falling mentality that influencers and the media have adopted. This wake will leave people in the future uninterested in knowing true causes, and there will be a movement erupting and born out of this that will be anti-fear and chaos to the truth's detriment.

Cafe Gratitude x Medical Medium Collaboration:

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Nerve-Gut Acid Stabilizer Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy:

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