Episode 2590: The Sacred Heart of Christ, Meekness, and Perseverance - Morning Episode

3 hours ago

Welcome to today’s episode, where we reflect on the inexhaustible love of Christ's Sacred Heart, the lesson of meekness, and how to endure trials with faith. Three powerful insights will guide our discussion:

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque's beautiful reflection on the Sacred Heart: “The sacred heart of Christ is an inexhaustible fountain, and its sole desire is to pour itself out into the hearts of the humble so as to free them and prepare them to lead lives according to His good pleasure.”
Mother Mary Francis, PCC, reminding us that the only lesson Christ specifically asks us to master is: “Learn of me, because I am meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29).
Matthew 24:9-14, where Christ warns of persecution, betrayal, and deception, but promises salvation to those who persevere: “Because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.”
Today, we will connect these three themes love, meekness, and perseverance and explore how we can embody them as traditional Catholics, even when the world offers resistance.

Part 1: The Sacred Heart of Christ – A Fountain of Love for the Humble
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which she described as a fountain of infinite love, longing to pour itself into the hearts of the humble. This image captures the tenderness and mercy of Christ. But how do we open ourselves to this love? Through humility. 1 Peter 5:5-6 tells us: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you.”
The Sacred Heart is not only an invitation to receive love but also a call to share it with others. This love transforms us, freeing us from sin and selfishness and preparing us to live according to God’s will. St. Augustine teaches: “Love, and do what you will.” When our hearts are filled with God’s love, every action flows from that love, shaping our lives according to His good pleasure.
Christ's love, poured into the hearts of the humble, stands in stark contrast to a world obsessed with pride, power, and self-assertion. But only in humility can we be vessels of His grace. Philippians 2:5-7 reminds us: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant.”
Part 2: Meekness – The Strength of the Sacred Heart
Mother Mary Francis reminds us that Christ asks us to learn only one lesson: “Learn of me, because I am meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). But what does it mean to be meek? In today’s world, meekness is often mistaken for weakness or passivity. Yet, true meekness requires immense inner strength. It is not submission to the world, but a surrender to God’s will. It is the power to respond to provocation with patience and to injustice with forgiveness, rooted in trust in God's justice.
Christ showed this meekness during His Passion, enduring insults, torture, and death without retaliation. As Isaiah 53:7 prophesied: “He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter.” Meekness, then, is not weakness but the strength to trust in God’s plan even when the world seems against us.
St. Thomas Aquinas defines meekness as the moderation of anger, teaching us to channel righteous indignation into acts of love and virtue. He writes, “Meekness moderates anger according to right reason.” In this way, meekness does not mean indifference to evil, but responding to it with charity and truth.
Part 3: Perseverance Through Trials – When the World Grows Cold
In Matthew 24:9-14, Christ warns us of the trials His followers will face: “You will be hated by all nations because of my name… and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold.” As traditional Catholics, we see these prophecies unfolding in our time. Faithful Catholics face ridicule for upholding truths about marriage, the sanctity of life, and the authority of the Church. Yet Christ’s message is clear: “The one who perseveres to the end will be saved.”
St. Paul echoes this in 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Perseverance is essential because our ultimate reward is not earthly comfort but eternal life with God. To persevere, we must remain rooted in prayer, nourished by the sacraments, and committed to acts of charity.
The saints provide powerful examples of perseverance. St. Maximilian Kolbe, imprisoned in Auschwitz, offered his life in place of a fellow prisoner. He showed that even in the face of unspeakable evil, the Sacred Heart of Christ can give us the strength to persevere in love.
Living a Life of Meekness, Love, and Perseverance
Cultivate Humility and Meekness:
Pray for the grace to be meek, especially when provoked. Meekness is not passivity, but strength rooted in trust in God. As St. Francis de Sales teaches: “Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.”
Entrust Yourself to the Sacred Heart:
Develop a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Place your intentions, struggles, and joys into His Heart and allow His love to transform you.
Persevere in Prayer and Sacrifice:
When trials come, persevere in prayer. The Rosary, Eucharistic adoration, and frequent confession are essential tools for staying close to Christ and enduring the challenges of life.

Conclusion: Meek and Humble Hearts in a Troubled World
As we’ve discussed today, the Sacred Heart of Christ offers an inexhaustible fountain of love, especially for those willing to humble themselves. Meekness, misunderstood by the world, is a sign of spiritual strength, modeled perfectly by Christ. And finally, we must persevere through trials, knowing that our faithfulness will be rewarded by God.
Let us hold fast to the promise of the Sacred Heart and remember that even in a world where the love of many grows cold, Christ’s love burns ever brighter. His meek and humble heart will give us the strength to persevere to the end.
Closing Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Thine. In times of trial, give us the grace to persevere in faith and love. Teach us to respond to the world’s provocations with patience and to every challenge with humility. Pour Your love into our hearts, that we may share it with those who need it most. We entrust our lives to You, confident that Your Sacred Heart will sustain us until the end. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for joining us today. If this episode has inspired you, please share it with others. Until next time, may the Sacred Heart of Jesus fill you with His love and give you the strength to persevere in all things. God bless!

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