What Is A Crime?

4 months ago

What is a "crime"?
A crime requires a victim.

Speeding isn't a crime.

Just because an administrative MUNICIPALITY created their own rules, codes, and ordinances, doesn't mean They have the authority to impose those upon you.

Unless a living wo/man has signed a complaint/affidavit under penalty of perjury stating you harmed them, you can't even be investigated.

But it goes on all day because the people are Free-Dumb.

I am rescuing you from your Free-Dumb.
The name of my book.

When you do not register your auto, as you have a right to not do, you are not in contract with the DMV/DOT of your state.

You have not given them JURISDICTION over you.

When they pull you over and you volunteer your information, you have consented to letting a private legal entity roll over your rights.

But you're too scared to stand up.
The knowledge of the real law removes that fear.

You can sit on social and scream all day about what you THINK your rights are and how the state can't roll over them, but most of you never bother to see from where to they believe and perceive they have the authority to roll over your rights.

Believe me, you're unknowingly consenting to it.

Sure your rights are INALIENABLE, but only when you know how to yield them.

Join us at https://Inalienable.University

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