The Nephilim Agenda & The Root Of ALL Evil On This Planet – Dr. Laura Sanger

3 months ago

***An Absolute Must See – We Must Know This Agenda – This is pertinent to what is going on right NOW. *READ THIS Description at least. Everything BAD happening is because of this Agenda.

Going back to the Dawn of Humanity, back to the Nephilim Agenda, which leads to the Evil Roots of the Federal Reserve.

The Nephilim, the Fallen Sons of God or commonly called the “Fallen Angels”-- a group of Angels chose to leave their God and invaded the Earth realm by descending on Mount Hermon, which borders Syria and Lebanon.

They lusted after the daughters of men, they took them as wives and mated with them, defiled the human genome and they created a Hybrid Race on Earth that we call the Nephilim.

There are not only Nephilim alive today, but there are Nephilim hosts, which are 100% human who have partnered with the Spiritual Force of Darkness to carry out this Nephilim Agenda.

These “partners” would be the Titans of Global Governance, the Elites of Global Banking, the one who control Media and Academia.

The Nephilim Agenda matches the Global UN Agenda and that is to have total control over humanity. It is Tyranny on the highest level.

These idiot “hosts” or “partners” believe they are the special selected chosen ones to be elite and manage the “lesser ones” of humanity.

They feel they are superior and have to direct the inferior masses.

The Nephilim hate the fact that we are created in the image of God. They want to punish by defiling our human genome.

They despise that we have a connection with our Creator and they don’t.

The Covid Plandemic – is a major part of the Transhumanism Agenda – the Nephilim Agenda.

The Nephilim are the directors behind all of this occult sh*t, the human sacrifices, the SRA – satanic ritual abuse and the torturing of children for Adrenochrome.

They are the ones who want to enslave humanity.

They are the ones behind Artificial life through artificial wombs.

They are the ones behind Technocracy – The Musk Family – Elon Musk, is one of their “chosen ones” to deceive humanity.

They are the ones behind all the evil things the government does, like MK Ultra – mind control.

They are behind the Covert Operations.

They are the ones behind the evil Federal Reserve that really enslaves humanity.

Eisenhower warned of us them as they are the ones behind the Military Industrial Complex.

They really believe they are Gods of humanity.

They want to abolish inheritance, destroy patriotism, destroy family values & family unit, abolish all national governments, abolish private property, destroy Christianity and create a One World Government, which is what they call a New World Order which is Total Global Dominance of Humanity.

YES, Elon Musk is a BAD one playing a good one. He is 100% a PLAYER.

They believe it is their prerogative to decide who lives and who dies.

The Nephilim Agenda was released during the days of Noah. It is the plan of defiling the human genome through propagating this hybrid race, with the MAIN Purpose to overthrow God.

They first invaded Mount Hermon, which is between Syria and Lebanon – this is where they lusted after the daughters of men, took them as wives, mated with them and created a hybrid race of giants called the Nephilim.

The word Deceive in Hebrew means to lend on interest or usury or to become a creditor. It is to make someone a Debtor.

The Federal Reserve is just that. It is to deceive and enslave humanity.

The ones who met at Jekyll Island had all the traits of the Nephilim. The were MASTER deceivers, great at lying to the people, while pretending to have our best interests – just like a Billionaire we all know – DJT.

The Federal Reserve funds the Nephilim Agenda.

The Federal Reserve is the most corrupt institution in the world as it provides the money needed to implement this evil agenda.

The Nephilim are part spiritual and part physical.

Mount Hermon – where the fallen sons of God came to Earth – it is Ground Zero. The Nephilim hot spots are in Antarctica, in Area 51, in Neuschwanstein Castle (look this castle up to look at it), The Mothers of Darkness (see sources #3 & #4 below).

The Nephilim are behind Hitler’s breeding program in 1944.

Nephilim are know for being very tall – 7 to 9 feet, having red hair and having 6 fingers & 6 toes.

Characteristics of Nephilim – Lustfulness, Deceitfulness, Pattern of Instability in Relationships, Rebellious Behavior & Disregard for the Rule of Law, Vengeful & Inappropriate Anger, Participation in Sorcery, Witchcraft & Occult, Disregard for the Rights of others, Lack of Remorse for Heinous Acts against other Living Beings, Excessive Focus on Death Related Topics & Symbolism, Dishonesty in Trade & Business Transactions, Sexual Perversion involving Pedophilia, Sexual Domination of others Against their Will, Human Trafficking, Human Cannibalism, Blood Occult Rituals, Commit Human Sacrifices all with the goal of Enslavement of Mankind.

The Nephilim are behind the World Economic Forum’s – “Fourth Industrial Revolution” – can download free pdf of this, see Source #5 below.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is ALL about Transhumanism and transitioning from Man to Machine, the merging of man and machine, it is called “Singularity”.

Yuval Noah Harari – one of Klaus Schwabs butt buds says that we are one of the last “Human” generations, in the coming generations we learn how to engineer bodies, brains and minds. This will be a product of the 21st Century Economy.

Why do you hear we are in a “Data War?”

Because those who control the data, control the future of not just humanity, but life itself.

We are approaching a day where Humans can be Hacked and our Minds can be taken over. We may be there already as that is one of the main purposes of the jabs as there are many purposes, continuing the big pharma revolving door & depopulation being a couple more – then the Wireless Body Area Network and connection humans to the Internet of all Things being just another goal. All related to the jab contents.

Nanotechnology and AI is advancing very quickly and what we see know is likely what they mastered 30 or 40 years ago, maybe more. They keep the public very, very dumbed down. This is all part of the Nephilim Agenda – commonly referred to as Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, but Agenda 30 has been moved up to 2025.

They are trying to create a Singular Super Brain by the use of these self-assembling nanobots – encapsulated in the lipid nanoparticles in the wonderful safe & effective jabs. Many who are reading this know without question that this is already being done right now and people are connected to the Internet right this second and then there are the ones who believe the Nephilim Agenda – Mainstream Media who label those who have discovered what’s going on as “Misinformation, Disinformation or Malinformation” and stamped with the Conspiracy Theory label.

This Super Brain will represent Hive Mentality.

Why the world Hive?

Bees don’t have an individual soul – they have what’s called a “Collective Hive Soul.”

The Nephilim Agenda is about merging all humans into this “God-Like” Singular Soul, Hive Consciousness.

2019 – The Human Cloud Interface Project – nanobots are able to navigate through the vascular system, they will be ale to cross the blood brain barrier and extremely precisely auto-position themselves in specific brain cells. They will form synthetic-neural networks that will wirelessly transfer information to this super computer network.

Just for your information – this is already being done right now. They just haven’t told the public and the medical field yet.

Covid-19 was the trial for this also. It is working. See the videos on WBAN – I will list below in the sources – see WBAN Videos below.

They can even monitor your THOUGHTS – they know what you will do BEFORE you are even conscious yourself. They take your blood pressure every second of the day and it will be recorded. They can take all kinds of measurements of the body. Going to the doctor in the future will be from your own home and will be with computers – all your data will be there instantly, from your heart rate, blood pressure, sugar levels, hormone levels.

For those who think this is bullsh*t, well, you need to wake up. This is not only possible it is being monitored right now.

Yes, they can monitor your brain in REAL TIME, they can extract your “Thought Data” in real time – the real test is to CONNECT all of this Data from the Human Brains with AI to form a “Hive Mind”, a “Collective Soul”, or a “Collective Consciousness.”

This isn’t Sci Fi – this is Science.

They are doing all of this through Graphene Oxide which is a super conductor and they are doing it on a self-assembling nanoparticle scale.

Graphene Oxide is a single layer of carbon, it is 1 Atom thick, it is 200 times stronger than steel, 1,000 times more conductive than copper and it has flexible properties – which is why it was chosen for the special jabs they convinced us all to take.

Other means of ingesting graphene oxide are through the air, food, water, medicine and supplements – and we are getting it from ALL of these ways right now.

Graphene oxide can form neural networks that function just like brain cells. So they are literally nano-size robots called nanobots that self-assemble in your brain. They can save, process, receive and transmit information from YOUR brain in real time.

Did you catch the receive part?

Yes, graphene oxide allows data to be input into your brain, thus why this insane lunatic Yuval Noah Harari says they are “hacking brains.” That is EXACTLY what they really are doing though. I’ve uploaded many videos on this and Dr.’s explaining how. See Source #6 below where Dr. Ian Akyildiz – another mad insane insider talks about the Covid Shots being Injectable Programming Nano-Machines.

This makes MK-Ultra and former 1950’s and 60’s mind control programs obsolete.

So, welcome to the New World of Mind Control where they can literally PROGRAM your thoughts remotely from ANYWHERE in the World.

They can also detect gene editing and gene modification in real time. YES, real time. They KNOW right away if the mRNA lipid nanoparticles are doing what they want. *See Source #7 below where they talk about how they put Biosensors and MAC Addresses inside the body via the healthy jabs.

The Nephilim know that FEAR is the most powerful mechanism of Mind Control.

What did they do during the Covid Plandemic? They made it seem like everyone was going to die if they didn’t take their healthy jabs.

It turns out those fauci ouchies were a bioweapon developed by the Nephilim partners to be used AGAINST humanity in the guise of saving humanity.

Yes, they presented the covid vaxxines as something that was absolutely needed to prevent death. It was a huge lie and the world leaders are Nephilim Agenda Partners and they all prepared for this by doing “Lockstep” operations – which involved ALL the leaders of every country working in Lockstep as one selling this bullsh*t story that this SARS-COV-2 Virus was going to kill everyone unless we took a vaccine to save humanity.

The greatest crime in history has just happened and the idiots in the medical industry still have their greedy thumbs stuck up their tight asses.

This sh*t is still being promoted and advertised everywhere.

The Nephilim are the ones behind the Medical Industry. That’s the main point here. Do you really think that ANY jab is safe?

Now they are pushing this for Babies?

The only think doctors have been good at during this pandemic was following an evil medical protocol that was obviously not working and not only that, it was visibly killing.

F*cking Sheep – Bahahahaha. Obedient Follows of Nazi Medical Orders. That’s what 12 years of Medical School teaches them, to follow orders. 12 years of Brainwashing.

They use the intimidation factors on the doctors who even question this narrative. If they get “out of line” from the “Covid Protocol” they are censored and in many cases taken before the corrupt medical boards and they remove their medical licenses.

Wake the hell up.

We are in a Spiritual Battle with these Forces of Darkness who have partnered with humans who sold their soul, made a contract and signed the pledge to the allegiance of the Nephilim Agenda.

We have to have some Self-Realization here.

We need to be more connected and conscious with what is going on in the world and realize that the TV news is all a show. It’s all propaganda. Period. It’s NOT true.

We need to realize that we have whole heartedly been believing Lies all of our lives.

We need to know about this Evil Nephilim Agenda.

*One of my Absolute All Time Favorites on The Nephilim, The Giants, The Fallen Angels is this one by Gary Wayne – a Must See → ***Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective --

About Laura Sanger:
Laura Sanger is a Clinical Psychologist, an author, and a small business owner. After Earned a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego, she worked at the Veterans Administration Hospital in La Jolla, Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City. She then received an M.A. in Theology and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary, serving as adjunct professor at Salt Lake Theological Seminary, teaching courses in adolescent development, with 15 years practice as a Clinical Psychologist for specializing in chronic mental illness, addictions, personality disorders, and adolescent treatment. Since 2009, she has been the managing partner of a real-estate investment business.

She is a prophetic intercessor, spiritual warrior and passionate about seeing people set free to reach their full potential.

Laura spent 4 years researching and writing about The Roots of the Federal Reserve available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. By shedding light on what lies in the dark corners of history, this book reveals the spiritual landscape of the roots of the Federal Reserve in a journey through time tracing deceptions across cultures and generations.

The Roots of the Federal Reserve emanates from the Days of Noah when the Nephilim roamed the earth. (These beings are referred to in the Old Testament as "giants" or "fallen ones.") By following known history, archeology and symbolism, The Roots of the Federal Reserve traces the Nephilim bloodline through the lineage of Ham and reveals the Nephilim agenda concealed for ages, operating insidiously, since the Seed war in Genesis 3. Ultimately, the journey leads to Jekyll Island, the birthplace of the Federal Reserve and the players who participated in its creation.

This book excavates the bedrock of slavery that keeps us in bondage to debt, it reveals the domination of the "Titans," and unmasks the destructive repercussions our monetary system has on the lives of everyday people.

A battle has been raging in the hidden recesses of our nation and the financial gate of our country has been defiled. This book unveils the spiritual forces that have been squeezing abundant life out of America. However, this is not just another sad narrative about our subjugation, rather it's a call to freedom.

Together we can release the full measure of prosperity intended for our nation, reclaim our inheritance that has been stolen, and restore our nation to once again be, "the land of the free and the home of the brave."


1. Alfa Vedic --

2. Laura Sanger –

3. ***Jessie Czebotar – The Luciferian System Explained --

4. Mothers of Darkness Castle – The Evilest Residence on Earth – A Jay Myers Short Documentary --

5. Klaus Schwab – “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” --

6. ***Dr. Ian Akyildiz - Injecting Programmable mRNA Bio Nano Scale Machines – In mRNA vaccines and have been injected –

7. ***Biosnesors and MAC Addresses – How do they get the biosensors in me? – What about the MAC ID’s? --

8. ***Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective --



2. *** Wireless Body Area Network – How they Run Computer Networks through Human Bodies – Hope & Tivon --

3. *** Biosnesors and MAC Addresses – How do they get the biosensors in me? – What about the MAC ID’s? --

4. *** Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network --

5. *** Wireless Body Area Network – (WBAN) – Was the Purpose of Covid to Connect us to the Cloud? --

6. *** Sabrina Wallace – CoV-BAN, IoT and WBAN – Computer Networking Through the Human Body --

7. *** Prof. Ian F. Akylidiz - "mRNA Vaccines are Injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines” --

8. *** 5G is a Weapon System Targeted towards the Injected to Hack inside your Body – WBAN --

9. ***Magnetic Fields of the Human Body – Manly P. Hall --

10. ***What is a Wearable Device --


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END. 10/19/2024 – 9:00 PM

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