
5 months ago

According to medical investigative researcher, Dr Naomi Wolf has looked at the data and says the quiet part loud, that the vaccine was an infanticide program. When you couple this conclusion with the fanatical pro abortion agenda and the genocide in middle-east, there's a congruency of a depopulation agenda.

Infanticide became forbidden in Europe and the Near East during the 1st millennium. Christianity forbade infanticide from its earliest times, which led Constantine the Great and Valentinian I to ban infanticide across the Roman Empire in the 4th century. The practice ceased in Arabia in the 7th century after the founding of Islam, since the Quran prohibits infanticide.

The infanticide of male babies had become uncommon in China by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), whereas infanticide of female babies became more common during the One-Child Policy era b/w (1979–2015).

Remember when CDC Officially Tells The Vaccinated To Mask Back Up. Claims Vaccinated Can Spread The Virus?

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