PSA: A Refutation of an Unbiblical Teaching

2 months ago

02:05 Introducing the Dream Team.
06:15 Idol Killer merchandise.
10:19 Will Hess' new book: "Crushing the Great Serpent."
15:20 Paul Vendredi defines the terms penal, substitutionary, and atonement.
16:57 The candy-bar metaphor.
19:58 The gospel = the person and work of Christ.
20:37 When reading the church fathers, remember that words have semantic range.
26:58 "God cannot forgive us" refuted by the parables.
35:52 The book "Atonement and Reconciliation."
36:21 Trump and Blagojevich.
38:10 "God's thoughts are above our thoughts."
41:30 When God forgives a sin, his wrath does not go away (Rom 3;25).
45:00 God hates you (Ps 5;5 and 7;11)--phenomenal language.
50:36 HILASTERION = Mercy Seat.
58:00 The book "Welcoming Gifts."
1:01:36 Atoning for inanimate objects.
1:02:48 Leviticus requires "purification" for childbirth, yet Mary is not impure.
1:08:48 The book "Atonement and Reconciliation" and the impending doom of PSA.
1:21:00 The pouring out of wrath in the book "Pierced for Our Transgressions."
1:23:39 R.C. Sproul: "Jesus heard God say, 'G*d d*mn you!'"
1:24:52 R.C. Sproul would have been stoned in the OT.
1:28:41 The hermeneutic of clarity.
1:29:36 Blood sacrifices to appease a deity are diagnostic of paganism.
1:33:31 The cup of suffering vs the cup of wrath.
1:34:24 Divine simplicity.
1:45:29 Immutability, impassibility, and causal impassivity. Rom 6;23.
1:49:51 The development of PSA from Anselm to Charles Hodge.
1:52:35 Limited atonement and Christus Victor.
1:56:22 First servant song: Isa 42;1-4 and Matt 12;9-21.
2:00:12 Isa 52;15.
2:06:28 Isaiah 53 is a dialog between the prophet and the crowd, as shown by the conjunctions.
2:12:00 Matthew 8;16-17 interprets Isaiah 53;4.
2:21:40 Concluding thoughts on PSA.
2:33:42 Greek for Sheep.
2:41:00 Q&A

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