4 months ago

21st Century Political, Societal and Historical Assessment of America:

Proper leadership normally engages in settling problems that threatens stability in a nation. America's political leadership has failed miserably in problem solving; instead, American politicians have supplied and contributed more problems for the Taxpaying American Citizen to try to hurdle over.

The United States of America has two big problems, politicians without term limits; and the second problem is "you." The reason you're a major problem is because "you" allowed the 2008, 2012, 2020 elections to unleash liberal blood hounds of hate upon Conservatives and Christians.

Today the 2008 results have established rulership of scheming unprincipled parasites known as "liberal predatory beasts." These liberal predatory beasts are destroying the United States Constitution with incalculable venues of maliciousness construct. They have openly announced their goal of creating their own globalist endowed constitution of rule and law.
Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEWS CROSSRAODS-ACB Newspaper International http://acbnewspaper.blogspot.com/2014/08/world-news-crosroads.html

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