The multi-talented Dublin-born singer/songwriter Dar Ra is back with “Cure For Jealousy” !

4 months ago

The multi-talented Dublin-born singer/songwriter and author of “Road Tales” Dar Ra is back with “Cure For Jealousy” with a new album coming soon! Dar Ra is the owner of Kusha Deep Music with numerous followers on social media plus “Soul Hours”, “Blood & Treasure”, “No Time For Tears”, “Ballads For The Downtrodden”, “Serfs & Kings”, and “Rise Like the Sun” plus gives us plenty of updates including creating a new Latin music project with a Mexican journalist , a new radio show in the UK/Welsh region, hosting a new UK Comedy channel and an upcoming UK tour in ’25! Check out the latest releases and news with the amazing Dar Ra on many major platforms today! #darra#dublinireland #authro #singersongwriter #cureforjealousy #roadtales #kushadeepmusic #riselikethesun #bloodandtreasure #notimefortears #serfsandkings #ukcomedy #newlatinmusic #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdarra #themikewagnershowdarra

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