New Directive Allows Military to Target U.S. Citizens—Is This the End of Freedom?

5 days ago

A video from May 2019 has reemerged in which Kamala Harris discusses weaponizing the Department of Justice (DOJ) against speech the government disapproves of, along with the platforms that permit it. Meanwhile, just one month before a heated presidential election, the U.S. Department of Defense has issued a directive authorizing military “defense intelligence components” to use lethal force against U.S. citizens if requested by local or state law enforcement in an emergency. But before diving into this, let’s review the resurfaced footage of Kamala Harris revealing her inner authoritarian.

During a speech at the NAACP’s annual ‘Fight for Freedom Fund’ dinner in Detroit in May 2019, Harris declared, “We will put the Department of Justice of the United States back in the business of justice. We will double the civil rights division and direct law enforcement to counter this extremism.” She added that social media platforms would be held responsible for the hate spreading on their sites: “If you don’t police your platforms, we are going to hold you accountable…”

Her remarks are alarming, essentially stating that her administration would decide what constitutes acceptable speech. These are the words of an authoritarian. This is the real Kamala Harris, far removed from the image of a caring politician helping the middle class that she projects on the campaign trail.

Holding platforms accountable for every opinion or post could lead to mass arrests—something already happening in other countries. In the UK, thousands of citizens were arrested, tried, and convicted within 72 hours for sharing photos and videos on social media that contradicted the government’s narrative regarding riots. In France, the government arrested the owner of Telegram, a social media platform, for refusing to “cooperate” with officials seeking censorship opportunities.

This trend is global. High-profile U.S. Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Antony Blinken, and John Kerry have recently argued that the First Amendment is an obstacle to their global agenda, which includes climate-change hysteria, rigged elections, and mandatory mRNA vaccinations. Truthful discussion of these topics is labeled as disinformation and censored.

Directive 5240.01, issued by the U.S. Department of Defense on September 27, permits the military to assist local law enforcement, including using lethal force, upon request. The timing—just one month before a potentially chaotic election—raises concerns about its purpose. The directive outlines that military personnel may assist when lives are in danger, including in situations where lethal force is likely. Section C, under “Secretary of Defense Approval,” allows for military intervention in cases where confrontations between civilians and law enforcement are anticipated.

For more on this troubling directive, tune into my discussion with Brannon Howse from his October 11 episode of *Brannon Howse Live*. The directive is particularly concerning given the DOJ’s recent shift from prosecuting foreign terrorists to targeting domestic threats—mainly patriotic conservative Americans.

The federal government has long collaborated with major social media companies to censor conservative content, outsourcing the job to private platforms while skirting First Amendment violations. This is similar to how private companies enforced vaccine mandates during the COVID pandemic. The endgame is to implement biometric digital IDs for all internet users, controlled at the ISP level. This would make it impossible to access the internet without government-approved credentials, which will include a record of your online obedience or dissent. An AI system will monitor and evaluate your activity, silencing anyone who challenges official narratives.

While U.S. globalists have not yet begun arresting those who speak the truth like in the UK or EU, they are moving toward it. Kamala Harris’s excitement in her 2019 remarks reveals a dangerous eagerness to silence dissent. We must resist this.

Countries like the UK, Canada, and the EU are further along in criminalizing political dissent because they lack First Amendment protections. But with the same globalist forces at work in the U.S., we must remain vigilant. Once the right to free speech is gone, other rights, like the Second Amendment, will quickly follow.

These are dark times for those living in the globalist-controlled nations of the U.S., UK, and EU. We must rely on God to guide us through this battle. Only Jesus Christ can fully defeat the evil forces that seek to destroy freedom.

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