San Diego filmmaker/videographer Ray Roman is my guest with “Concussed: The American Dream” !

4 months ago

San Diego filmmaker/videographer Ray Roman talks about his latest release “Concussed: The American Dream” as a documentary exploring the devastating impact of head trauma in the NFL focusing on the late Tyler Sash of the Super Bowl champion New York Giants and legendary Hall-of Fame NFL quarterback Brett Favre notably of The Green Bay Packers. Ray brought his own experiences playing football at Poway HS and first experienced a concussion on the field while playing Pop Warner, later graduated in ’05 to venture into filmmaking and spent eight years working on the film with writer/director David Kano to expose the devastating of head trauma on NFL football players plus Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in sports, exploring the effects of CTE on those that have lost loved ones, with narratives from doctors and Hall of Famers in the NFL, boxing, and mixed martial arts. Check out the powerful documentary from filmmaker Ray Roman on many streaming platforms and today! #rayroman #sandiegofilmmaker #documentary #videographer #concussedtheamericandream #tylersash #newyorkgiants #brettfavre #greenbaypackers #concussion #CTE #headtrauma #football #popwarner #davidkano #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerrayroman #themikewagnershowrayroman

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