Your Future Best Self - Day 16

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Day 16 - Your Future Best Self

How clear is your answer to this question?

What is your best self?

How would you know that you are your best self?

When we simplify life down to a choice as a feeling, and then answer what is your best self?

Start from that place, everyday

Best self then becomes a label and the meaning of best self can only come from the mind.

If we look at your body.

What is best self body? What does best self body look like when you stare at it through the mirror?

How does it function being best self? How would you know your body is at its best?

In order to have your body being your best, your thoughts would be providing your body the best instructions from the mind

Imagine your best self from the mind, speaking truth and making the soulful choices in each moment. What is your best self when around others. How would your best self react in certain interactions and conversations?

If we are showing up everyday from this feeling, then you will know that choosing love is your best self.

What takes place each day in your life to know you are feeling your best?

Working on you everyday to know who you truly are.

The Best You is You

Future thoughts are present feelings, so the key is to create from presence to continue enhancing your self

Bring awareness to the limitations of the mind which is the only thing that gets in the way. Replace past negative thoughts about yourself, with who you are today, the positive changes you are experiencing each day

If Jesus showed you the way whilst working through you, what would your best self be?

Ask these questions everyday and see how clear your answer becomes over the next two weeks

We now need the mind to catch up with the Soul so that it can remember the truth to communicate back to the body

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