The 2024 Elections: The Globalists Vs. The People

4 months ago

Many have a sense that there is something very important and unique regarding this year's U.S. presidential elections, but don't quite know what it is.

In this video, I describe the current condition of this year's elections, and why the stakes are so high on both sides.

Many have felt that the elections may lead our nation into a civil war, and I point out (and have pointed out for the past 4 years) that that is exactly what the globalists have wanted for our nation for many years as a way to destabilize our nation, and to be able to take us down from the outside in a global/religious war for the purpose of preparing the world for a global government that they believe they would lead.

Is it possible that everything happening right now is being carefully orchestrated by our nation's very own intelligence services which have orchestrated coups and civil wars in other lands, and now are targeting our own nation for a coup and civil war?

Will they get away with it?

Check out this video for my prediction of the 3 main ways that I see this year's elections playing out, along with my projection of how it will ultimately end up based on the prophetic words of Kim Clement who has been so accurate on so many things up to now.

This Video was Uploaded on October 15th: (21 days left until the elections)... We'll see what happens....

Helpful Resources referred to in this video:

The Global Nuclear Simulation:

Monkey Werx US Youtube Channel:

In2Thin Air Youtube Channel:

My most recent update of Kim Clement's prophetic words for our time:

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