Storms and Strongholds of Refuge | 1 Samuel 23:28-29

4 months ago

Do you believe that God is your refuge in the storm?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in Chapter 23 of 1 Samuel. I've titled this chapter "Your Way Or The Lord's Way."

Yesterday, David barely escaped, and today, he ran to his 13th location after leaving King Saul's home. I wonder where that might be. Let's see in 1 Samuel 23:28-29:

So Saul returned from pursuing after David and went against the Philistines. Therefore that place was called the Rock of Escape. And David went up from there and lived in the strongholds of Engedi. — 1 Samuel 23:28-29

The next chapter chronicles the "Strongholds of Engedi," which, in my opinion, is one of the most significant chapters in 1 Samuel. You do not want to miss a single day of devotionals. You need to stay with me for the entire week. Don't miss one. Tune in because the next seven days are incredible.

For a moment think about how David felt after running for years to now the 13th location. He had zig-zagged across Israel to various locations to avoid the storm of Saul's unrighteous vengeance.

This last week, I evacuated Bradenton, Florida, to head up the coast and stayed in Panama City, waiting out Hurricane Milton. I was only gone for three days, and I cannot tell you how emotionally and physically exhausted I was. When I returned, I was unprepared for how much physical labor needed to be done at my son's home (St. Petersburg) and my home (Bradenton). Just so you know, it looks like Haiti down here. Gas stations are out of fuel. There are down powerlines everywhere. Most fences are gone or scattered all over the street. Massive piles of trash and debris line every street. But you know what? I cannot imagine how David mustered spiritual fortitude and stayed centered in the Lord after 10-15 years of running from the storm of Saul's vengeance.

It makes me wonder if I, as a believer, have become too soft, given the comforts and pleasures of my time. I mean, think about it. Three days running from a storm, and I was already feeling the weight of emotional and physical exhaustion. Yet David endured far worse—years of constant running, hiding, and uncertainty. He didn’t have a comfortable place to land. There wasn’t any relief on the horizon, just more running. And yet, through all that turmoil, he stayed centered in the Lord.

The “Rock of Escape” wasn’t just a geographical place for David but a spiritual reminder. In the middle of his storm, God provided a way out, a refuge, and renewed strength to keep going. And I think this is a lesson for us.

When we face our own storms—short like mine or long like David’s—it’s easy to grow weary and question whether we can keep going. But the truth is, God is still our Rock of Escape. He meets us in the chaos and gives us the strength to endure, no matter how relentless the storm may feel.

So, take a hard look at where you’ve placed your faith. Are you resting in your comforts, your routines, or your own strength? Or are you relying on the Lord as your refuge, your Rock? David’s endurance wasn’t because of his natural abilities. It was because he had learned to lean on the Lord through every challenge and storm.

Let’s learn from his example and put our faith not in our comforts but in the God of all comfort, who is our refuge when the storm rages on.

Stay with me this week. We’re just getting started.

#RockOfEscape, #FaithInTheStorm, #GodIsOurRefuge

Ask This:
In tough times, how can you rely on God instead of your own strength?
Reflect on a past personal storm and how God supported you. What lessons can you apply to current challenges?
Do This:
Trust God in your storm he is your Rock.

Pray This:
Lord, help me to find my refuge in You during life’s storms, trusting in Your strength to carry me through uncertainty. Remind me that, like David, I can lean on You as my Rock of Escape, no matter how relentless the challenges may be. Amen.

Play This:
Firm Foundation (He Won't).

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