20240530 061320 Tux Playing by Himself with Bug Toy and Other Toys

3 months ago

Since I brought #Tux back indoors after his horrible respiratory illness, I haven't been uploading many videos, but here's him playing by himself.

I do have more videos of him here at (soon to be ex-) home, but I've been so busy getting ready for my move that I haven't had a chance to upload them. Fortunately, except for lingering diarrhea, he's made a full recovery and will be moving with me to my new home halfway across the country. I took him to the vet for the fir$t time to try to help him get through the trip more comfortably, and to de-worm him, just in case.

I'm sure that he's not going to like 25-30 hours in the car over the next few days. Given how much he likes to dig in the litter box, he'll probably not be thrilled with the little one that he'll be using during the trip.

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