God Is Silencing Obama - Trumpet Daily | Oct. 15, 2024

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[00:30] Losing His Mojo (36 minutes)
At a recent campaign event, Barack Obama corrected the “brothas” for not showing more support for Kamala Harris because she’s a woman. Apparently, Obama believes black men aren’t allowed to decide for themselves who to vote for and they’re sexist if they’re not voting for a woman. His comments were met with outrage—not from the right but from people who voted for Obama. More and more people who once swooned for Obama are moving on from him and ignoring him. The Democrat messiah has lost his luster.

[37:00] The Whole Head Is Sick (16 minutes)
Many people who complain about how “evil” Donald Trump is completely ignore, or in some cases are actively facilitating, some of the most grotesque sins imaginable.

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