Tracy Cortez MMA Transvestigation | M or F? | Elite Gender Inversion in the UFC

4 months ago

In this video we investigate (transvestigate) the gender of UFC fighter Tracy Cortez. This is not, and I am not anti-lgbtq. Trans people are wonderful. This is about hidden Elite Gender Inversion (EGI) that is meant to mislead humanity down a path of ungodliness and Baphomet worship. This is about recognizing those who would invert God Jesus' creation!

Scientific methodology is explained in the first portion of the video and the Tracy Cortez specific parts are the second half of the video. I have made chapters for you to easily navigate. If you have seen my previous work on EGI you can skip the first part of the video. If you are new to the topic please watch the beginning to give yourself a frame of reference.

Thank you for watching. Subscribe or sumthin! - Upfront Tony


Tracy Cortez Transvestigation | M or F? | Elite Gender Inversion UFC 307
First timers to my videos start here 00:00
If you are familiar with my videos, start here 09:46
Tracy Cortez 10:28
The Roma People 13:09
You bringin her home to meet mama? 17:25
Conclusion + Outro 18:41

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Viva D'italia!

No matter how much you dislike my work I will never quit. I do it for my own fun and to wake people up. You can "like" this d up your a tho fr.

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