When You Are Capable of Biting Someone's Head Off You Can Afford to Be Loving 🧿🐕RIP PABLO ❤🥰

4 months ago

Timeless COLLECTIVE I- CHING Reading for the CREATIVES 🎨🔧🎞💡🌱🍀🎪✨🥗🌵🌟🎛🎧🔊💃🏽🧙🏽‍♀️🎸♾🦗💃🏽🛸💞

My dear friend's recently departed rescue Dog PABLO ❤ (RIP) appeared in the middle of this reading as an example of loving loyalty and good character. 😇❤
Side notes to the audio ...Pablo wanted his last rescuer to know how deeply he appreciated her and Benson the dog for taking him into her family on the darkest days of his life. He was so sad and anxious when his previous rescuer died but you took him in and forgave his mistakes ...he loves you and wants to lick your face...he finally felt like someone worthy with the loving home you gave him and he's okay because somebody cared and saw him for who he was.

My deepest condolences to the Bereaved💔Delphi.

This is a collective oracle reading to assist with contemplation and thinking outside the box so please use your discernment at all times! It is not a substitute for professional or expert advice rather a way of adding color context or an alternative perspective to a given situation or question. I am but a fellow traveler, a companion on the journey.
Credit for any wisdom gained goes to the Sage who speaks through the oracle Aka Cosmic Consciousness Aka TMHG

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