'Magic Bullets:' The New York Times Published Forged Evidence Of Israeli Atrocities

1 day ago

Posted • October 14, 2024: It started with a ‘Guest Essay’ in the New York Times by a person named Feroze Sidhwa, described as a ‘trauma and general surgeon who worked at the European Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza, for two weeks in March and April.’ The person sharing and ‘gifting’ this piece to the world is a man named Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib who describes himself as follows: Proud American; native Gazan; pro-Palestine, pro-Peace, anti-Hamas, anti-occupation, Two State Solution; Resident Senior Fellow @AtlanticCouncil. Views my own. -- The piece itself makes a series of startling allegations against Israel: “[O]f the many things that stood out about working in a hospital in Gaza, one got to me: Nearly every day I was there, I saw a new young child who had been shot in the head or the chest, virtually all of whom went on to die. Thirteen in total.”

“At the time, I assumed this had to be the work of a particularly sadistic soldier located nearby. But after returning home, I met an emergency medicine physician who had worked in a different hospital in Gaza two months before me. ‘I couldn’t believe the number of kids I saw shot in the head,’ I told him. To my surprise, he responded: ‘Yeah, me, too. Every single day.’” -- What it amounts to he is was claiming that these children were being sniped, and allegedly using special bullets that the IDF uses: “The New York Times published a piece in which dozens of foreign medical volunteers who went into Gaza recounted seeing and treating children who were deliberately shot in the head and neck by Israeli soldiers (you can tell from the x-ray they're 5.56 rounds used by the IDF).”

“These volunteers describe in painful detail the extent of horror they saw firsthand, including mass killings, malnutrition, targeting of civilians, and repeated and documented patterns of IDF soldiers behaving ruthlessly toward Palestinian noncombatants throughout the war in Gaza. It is indisputable that horrendous war crimes were and are continuing to be committed in the Gaza war, no matter the claims to the contrary. Hamas's criminality and terrorism on October 7 can never justify this behavior by a professional military with clear rules of engagement and codes of conduct. There must be accountability for these crimes.” -- Can you believe it?! Israel is intentionally killing children. Allegedly. And you can even see the allegedly damning x-rays, with the bullets in the children’s bodies in that post.

Now, we’re going to level with you. While we think we are excellent in our defense of the Second Amendment, we are not exactly experts on guns, ballistics, or how a bullet wound would look on an x-ray and so on. But we started by asking the most basic question: Even if these were ‘5.56 rounds used by the IDF’ surely other people can use the same rounds, right? - Zaid Jilani @ZaidJilani: “They're trying to Community Note you by saying IDF doesn't use 5.56s, but 5.56s are one of the most common rounds for military grade assault weapons, my guess is IDF and all modern militaries would be using them.” - (((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing: “If that’s true, how do you know Hamass didn’t fire the bullets?” -- One person attempted to reply: Chris @goth__casual: “Because folk who can’t get guns from NATO countries tend to get Kaleshnikov based stuff that’s 7.62mm” - (((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing: “That’s a guess. That isn’t knowing”

And that led to other people questioning other aspects of this story. Take 2A History, on Twitter/X (@2aHistory). He focuses on the history behind the Second Amendment—including historic military technology. He wrote the following when responding to this author joking about how ridiculous it was to assume that only the IDF could use that type of bullet: 2A History @2aHistory: “Thinking that 5.56 rounds will stop inside the neck or head of a child… The bullet is almost surely lying under then whem they take the xray.” -- That first line is probably better phrased in context as ‘[imagine] [t]hinking that 5.56 rounds will stop inside the neck or head of a child…’ And absolutely no deformation… Yep, pristine bullets. Someone else suggested that the x-rays are digitally altered: Every single one of these is digitally altered X-rays… if a Kid was hit in neck/head those bullets would be going THROUGH them.. not stopping nicely and looking all nice and pointy… they would be somewhat blunted by bone and bent some perhaps depending… but not just STOPPED.

And others shared their viewpoints: Please. Didn't exit the neck? No deformation after penetrating bone? And - atsa long bullet. If that bullet had hit anyone, it wouldn't have that shape. It would be mushroomed or fragmented. Who are they trying to fool? Democrats and other liberals across the world. No entry wound to be found. Fake to the max. To see actual GSW x-rays go here: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Case-no-3-shows-a-gunshot-through-the-left-nostril-left-image-CT-bone-H60-upper_fig4_337496707 (…)

• More at: Twitchy - ‘Magic Bullets:’ Did the New York Times Publish Forged Evidence of Israeli Atrocities?

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