The Oystercatcher: Close Up HD Footage (Haematopus ostralegus)

4 months ago

Oystercatchers are eye-catching birds you'll see on British beaches. They're easy to spot with their black and white feathers, bright orange beaks, and pinkish legs. Don't let the name fool you - they eat all kinds of shellfish, not just oysters!
These clever birds are known for their skills at opening shells. They use their strong beaks to crack into mussels, cockles, and other tasty seafood. You might see them walking along the shore, hunting for their next snack.
About the size of a crow, oystercatchers are quite big for wading birds. They're famous for their loud 'kleep kleep' call that carries across the beach. In spring and summer, they make their nests on beaches or in fields near the sea.
You can find oystercatchers all around the UK coast. Some live here all year, while others fly to warmer places in winter. Sadly, their numbers have gone down lately, so we need to protect their habitats to help them out.

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