Steve Yates: CCP Is Much More Worse Than Russia or Iran

4 months ago

10/14/2024 Steve Yates, Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation: CCP hits more fundamentally at more parts of America's way of life than any other challenge that comes from outside of our shores. It should not be forgotten that CCP affected every family with COVID and has affected hundreds of thousands of families with fatal fentanyl. It should be indisputable that CCP is much worse.
#CommunistChina #CCP #covid19 #fentanyl
10/14/2024 美国传统基金会高级研究员叶望辉:与来自我们境外的任何其他挑战相比,中共更加根本地影响了美国生活方式的更多方面。我们不应忘记,中共利用新冠病毒影响了每一家庭,并通过致命的芬太尼影响了数十万个家庭。中共更加邪恶,这应是无可争辩的事实。
#中共国 #中共 #新冠病毒 #芬太尼

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